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  1. J

    Winchester 12ga model 12

    Can anyone tell me how to remove the foregrip from the tube mag. I need to replace mag but am unable to remove the wooden fore grip..Any help muchly apprtd...thanks
  2. J

    Stowed mags and safety question

    When you have your auto loader mag inserted into firearm and it will be left that way for a while do you want to fill mag to capacity or only 4 or 5 rounds. Does it damage the mag spring to be stowed away full for a bit? Keeping safety on, Does it hurt to keep safety on at all times when again...
  3. J

    Can we stop Political correctness

    I am amazed at all the sudden hype political correctness is getting. Rewrite history to perform to the comfort level of some seems insane to me. I saw on the news some want to remove Geo. Washington and Tho. Jeffersons pictures from all Federal, State offices because they were slave owners...
  4. J

    Political correctness...

    I just heard today they want to change one of the faces on the 3 fireman who razed the flag at the world trade center statue. That statue had the faces of the 3 fireman who razed the flag and them only. Now for political correctness they want to have a African Americans face on one of the...
  5. J

    44/70 or M1a

    Wife gave me the go for either a 44/70 or an m1a. I have shot the m14's quite a bit and still marvel at their accuracy. I am not all that familiar with the 44/70 but I am a nostelga nut..Can anyone tell me the merits of owning a 44/70, costs of ammo, ect..thanks
  6. J

    Winchester model 12 12ga tube mag

    I have a win.model 12 1936 patent nickle steel...a lovely shotgun handed down from grandfather/ screwed it up by putting on bars of a 3 wheeler going through fire trails bird hunting. I put 1 dent in tube mag. that will not allow shells to move past that point. I have tried...