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  1. W

    Compuserve News: "6 States With Most Guns and Homicides"

    Urgh I"m trying to go to bed. Anyway, I just noticed that a link to this story was on the CompuServe main page: 6 States With Most Guns and Homicides By Cathryn Conroy, CompuServe News Editor Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Wyoming, West Virginia, Arkansas, which are the six states with the...
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    Time To Shoot The Second Amendment

    I hope this hasn't already been posted. I just came across it: WOW. Source Time to Shoot the Second Amendment It's time for the war on terror to take away our guns Commentary, by John Aravosis Now that the 11th innocent civilian has been mowed down by a sniper in northern Virginia...
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    Weymouth, MA Gun Club fire?

    I thought I heard on the news last night, that there was a fire that gutted a Weymouth Gun Club. I can't find a single online source to substantiate this, though; so I'm starting to think I may have dreamt it (which would be creepy). Has anyone heard anything about this? :confused:
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    Fundamental Differences/Constructive Relationships

    So, last night I went to an event where 6 leaders in the abortion debate (3 pro-lifers and 3 pro-choicers) discussed their very intense personal conversations with each other. But before I talk about that, I want to emphasize that this is not intended to be an "abortion thread". I'm curious to...
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    Question on the "8 kids/day" thing

    Is there a way to de-bunk this? I'm in a debate with someone, and called the "8 kids a day" thing a "statistical lie". Is there a source I can use to back this claim up?
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    "Hand-Me-Down Guns"

    I guess what I don't understand is, if we can acknowledge that so-called "Hand-me-down guns" (eh??) are the "new thing"....Then why oh why are we advocating a national registry/ballistic fingerprinting??? Source Hand-me-down guns VIOLENT CRIMINALS in Boston are becoming less choosy about...
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    Gun Control Off Political Radar

    Apologies if this is a double post....I looked quickly, but didn't see this posted. Source Despite sniper, gun control off political radar Once a hot issue, now its barely a whisper Wednesday, October 9, 2002 Posted: 2:36 PM EDT (1836 GMT) WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Despite frightening sniper...
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    National Firearms Registration??

    It's my understanding that people (except maybe in a few states?) don't have to register their guns (which makes cop shows on tv really confusing for me). Yet I just read on the internet about someone who was charged with, among other things: What is that???
  9. W

    Pro-Gun Conferences and.... Careers?

    2-part question. :) Every once in a while, there will be a thread about something that happened at a pro-gun or pro-2A conference. How would one go about learning of these conferences ahead of time? And, are they expensive? Is there such a thing as a second amendment career? Perhaps in policy...
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    My first "gun control" debate

    (Didn't know which forum to put this in... :o) Actually, this isn't my very first. I had one other debate, but that was when I was still learning, so there are a lot of deserted arguments. But anyway...I just found this board, and wouldn't ya know it, the second post I read is about concealed...
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    FBI, INS Lose Track of Weapons, Laptops

    Apologies if this has already been posted....I looked quickly and I didn't see it. :) FBI, INS lose track of laptops, weapons Probe find lapses in management Source By Associated Press, 8/6/2002 WASHINGTON - The Justice Department has lost track of nearly 800 firearms and 400 laptop...
  12. W

    Boston Globe: "Good Sense Prevails On Guns For Pilots"

    Almost a great editorial. Except for one or two sentences towards the end. #### Source Good sense prevails on guns for pilots By Scot Lehigh, 7/24/2002 REASON SCORED an unexpected victory two weeks ago when the US House broke with the Bush administration and voted, 310 to 113, to arm...
  13. W

    "Some people just shouldn't have guns"

    Okay TFL'ers, I need your help to get me thinking straight again. :) (But please don't flame me) So last night/this morning...around 2:30am, our neighbors upstairs had quite a loud fight. They're two females, I'd say in their 30s. They have lived on the third floor (we live on the second floor)...
  14. W

    Gun Stock Market

    (I had no idea if this should be in General or Legal/Political) Okay, not too long ago there was a thread about stocks, and people mentioned stocks in gun companies--Which I had never thought about until that point. So the subject has been rumbling around my head. I have a lot of questions...
  15. W

    (MA) House Votes To Loosen Gun Laws

    (I checked quickly for duplicates, but didn't see any. Apologies if this has been posted already. :)) Source House votes to loosen gun laws Mass. bill would let felons buy, carry arms By Chris Tangney, Globe Correspondent, 7/11/2002 The state House yesterday overwhelmingly approved a bill...
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    Erm....NRA in a Comic Strip

    (I hope this works)
  17. W

    How to handle street harassment?

    Okay. Last night I was in Boston waiting for my bus to go home. I had gotten out of a meeting at 10:15pm, and it took about 15 minutes to walk to the bus stop, so this was about 10:30pm. I was sitting on a bench, trying to blend in, listening to the people around me. I haven't taken a course...
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    Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest

    Back when I was considering grad school, I signed up for a couple listserves to let me know whenever a scholarship became available. My grad school plans have been put on hold for a bit, but I still receive some of the emails. Thought I'd share this one in case any of you are looking for...
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    Boston Globe: "Politcally Disappearing"

    I know the topics of Bill Maher and Politically Incorrect have almost been talked to death here....But this editorial had an interesting viewpoint that I'm curious to see what people have to say. I have no idea what floodgate(s), if any, I'm opening.... Source Politically disappearing By...
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    Boston Globe: Should Pilots Be Armed?

    Another good oped from the Globe :eek: Source (Emphasis from original; not added) Should pilots be armed? By 0, 5/24/2002 IMAGINE FOR a moment that you are a terrorist scheming to hijack a commercial airplane. You're aware that only a relatively small percentage of daily departures have a...