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  1. B

    I took my cousin's son hunting - pics, turkey videos

    We went out Saturday afternoon. On the way into the farm I took this pic. Check out the doe in air over the fence. We got in there and I took this pic over the hood of the truck. The guy is in the blind for less than two hours and gets this. If the deer had waited another 10 minutes to...
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    Taking does with fawns

    I was out last week and saw two different whitetail does, each with two fawns. They were weaned but still following their moms around like little kids, watching and learning. I can take two whitetail does but didn't shoot either of those. My thinking is that the fawns, even though they were...
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    Email I received from Steep and Cheap, Subject: Hunting with Kids

    How do you like this:
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    My 7yo and 9yo with their turkeys

    A few weeks ago I had them both out looking for deer and they couldn't resist taking some birds. That is turkey #3 for the 7yo and turkey #5 for the 9yo. Here is the 7yo with his bird. Here is the 9yo with his bird. He had on eye and ear protection when he shot the bird but left them off...
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    My 7 year old taking a turkey - neat action pics

    We were waiting for a deer a couple of weeks ago and my 7yo just couldn't resist the urge when a bunch of turkey landed around us. Here are a couple of likely dinners. Aiming at a turkey. The shot!! The bird is down. The big boy and his bird.
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    Neat mule deer pics from a blind

    My dad took these while we were sitting in a blind early one morning last week. Some of these came up within 10 yards of us and they hung around for 20 minutes or so. I was hoping that a big buck would join them but no such luck. Here is part of the herd. There were 7 total but they were...
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    My 7 year old got his first deer

    I took my two oldest hunting this past week. The 9yo is an old salt with 4 deer to his credit but the 7yo hadn't scored a deer before. We had about given up for the morning and were getting ready to go get a little breakfast. I was off getting the truck and left the boys with Grandpa when I...
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    This time I took my 7 year old out to check the zero on his deer rifle

    He did a little shooting with a .22 to warm up. Then we got out his deer rifle. It has an A2 style 7.62x39 upper from a Colt Blue Label gun with a Trijicon Reflex II sight. The Magpul CTR stock allows me to set up the length of pull for him and lock it in place so it doesn't rattle. The...
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    Took my 8 year old out to confirm zero with his deer rifle

    He started out practicing with a Chipmunk. Here he is shooting out of the shed where I store target holders, chairs, benches, etc. for the range. Here is a pic out the door of the shed towards the backstop. Thats about 30 yards. Then a few shots at short range with his deer rifle. Marlin...
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    bad boo boo with a handgun,2933,425302,00.html The story is printed below. I just don't know what to say about this, but I'll try to think of a couple of things. 1. Don't leave your guns out where your kids can get at them. 2. If you have to warn your kid not to touch your gun you...
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    I was planning on taking the kids shooting today

    I took the 4 year old first. It was threatening rain so I didn't bother setting up all the equipment. I used the garden wagon to haul a little bit of gear out and let him sit on the ground and use my gear bag in the wagon as a rest. It misted and/or sprinkled on us pretty much the whole time...
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    Pics of a few mule deer. BIG pics.

    My dad stopped about 3 miles from one of our farms and took these two pics of someone's field. He said there were probably at least 100 mule deer in the field, and he saw a bunch more over about a 20 mile drive. Most of the bucks have shed because he only saw 1 set of antlers out of all the...
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    Family hunting pics for 07-08 so far

    My second son's first turkey. He is 6 years old. My oldest son's turkey this fall. He was about a week short of being 8 years old. My oldest son's mule deer. My oldest son's whitetail doe. My whitetail deer. We still have quail to look forward to and there is always a chance that...
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    My 8 year old takes another

    Long post so if you don't care for the details then jump down to the pics. I planned to take my 6 year old to let him get his first deer if possible during the youth post season. My 8 year old decided he would come along and maybe take another turkey or a pig and let his little brother take a...
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    My 8 year old got a nice mule deer

    My dad and I were taking the 8 year old and 6 year old out for whitetail and mule deer. We had the truck loaded and the boys dressed at 0'dark-thirty and were about to put them in the truck to go to the farm we usually hunt on. We thought there was a better chance of success there because the...
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    My 6 year old got his first turkey

    We were hunting whitetail and mule deer on our farm. He was with my dad while my 8 year old was with me. It was getting close to the end of legal hunting time and a group of gobblers decided to get a little too close. Here is the predator and the prey. Here is another shot of the lovely...
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    My eight year old gets his 3rd turkey - 56k? LOL

    My dad and I took my 8 year old and 6 year old hunting for deer and turkey. Unfortunately, this is the first time in at least 5 years we haven't seen any deer in the morning. Not even a mule deer doe. Must be some kind of conspiracy. However, the big boy got his third turkey and the first...
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    Opening day in TX

    I think I have enough pics here to justify a thread to myself. I have more pics but I'm only allowed 6 per thread. I hunted in the new blind for the first time on opening day for whitetails. The week before I was there with my two oldest (7 and 6) and my dad for youth season but the kiddos...