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  1. C

    Still can't decide on type of gun for HD-Rifle, handguns, or Shotguns?

    I know this topic has been beat to death but I'm still torn. I have an AR 15, handguns, and shotguns. Let's say I hear an intruder which gun do I use? Handguns are easier to handle corners. However, the AR has much more power. I guess if the SHTF I want my AR. The shotguns are pumps and...
  2. C

    Zimmerman and CPL

    Obviously none of use know all the facts of what happened. What lessons can we take away from it as people who have a CPL?
  3. C

    What handgun and long gun for when the zombies take over?

    Please pick one handgun and one long gun.
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    Questions about rifle shooting

    I got my first rifle. It's a S&W M&P Model 15 AR with an EOtech site I have been researching online as far as firing accurately. I am still having trouble firing accurately at even 20 yards. Any suggestions or pointers? I probably should get a sling Any help would be appreciated...
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    Another bump in the night question: Ammo Capacity Vs Caliber

    I am pondering which handgun to take in case of a "bump" in the night I want to investigate. I have a Glock 34, which has 17 for the mag, or I have a few .45s with a capacity of around 8. What should I go for: More ammo capacity or higher caliber? Thank you,
  6. C

    Some when to draw and shoot scenerios

    You are outside your wife in the street. You have a CPL and you are carrying. 1) Two muggers pop up. One draws a gun and demands your money. What do you do? 2) Two muggers pop up. One draws a knife and demands your money. What do you do? 3) Two muggers pop up. They demand your money...
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    Would you use an AR 5.56/.223 for home defense

    Obviously a 5.56 is very powerful but is it too powerful? In other words hitting the neighbor a mile away would concern me.
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    I bought my first rifle/AR

    I picked this up today. I shot it and had a blast. It's a S&W M&P Model-15 with an EOtech sight.
  9. C

    Please move to rifle forum
  10. C

    First Rifle

    I have am pretty proficient with handguns, and I have some experience with a shotgun. However, I have no experience with a rifle. I don't think I even ever shot one. What would you guys suggest for a rifle type gun? I don't hunt. My use would be for fun.
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    Question about guns that bad guys carry

    Do they generally carry good guns or junk guns?
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    How many things are wrong in this article about a ND?,vshot-1105.article Also, anyone know what a Smith & Wesson Springfield is please?
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    Incident at gun store/range

    Well...I once again put the Glock 19 slide on the Glock 34 frame. I clean them side by side and I made that mistake once before. I had difficulty getting it off so I decided to go to the gun store/range and have them to do it. I come in and the knowledgeable people are busy selling. The...
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    Man plays pranks on wife regarding handgun
  15. C

    Is reloading worth it for me?

    I usually shoot about 3 x per week. I usually shoot 9 mm, 45 acp, and 38 special. Is it worth it for me to buy all the equipment and do it myself? Thank you,
  16. C

    New handgun suggestions please?

    I have a Glock 19, a Glock 34, a Sig Sauer P220, and a Colt Python. My birthday is coming up so what should I get next? Do I get a 1911? Do you think I should get another gun for carry? Decisions decisions. What do you guys suggest?
  17. C

    Incident with a dog & pulling out a gun

    I was talking a walk tonight. I was wearing a vest and carrying. I see this dog running toward me. The owner is calling for the dog. My hand went near my gun, but I didn't put my hand on it. The dog sat in front of me and growled. Finally, the owner got the dog. 1) At what point should I have...
  18. C

    9 mm vs 45

    Yah don't say it. I know another one. I was interested in doing a poll on it. I have been carrying a Glock 19, which is 9 mm, however, I have been reading "Tactical Pistol: Advanced Gunfighting Concepts" and the author suggests a 45.
  19. C

    Russian ammo: will it make your gun go boom?

    I have a Sig P220, at the gun store I asked for 500 rounds of 45 acp ammo. I wasn't paying attention what kind. As I was leaving two employees saw that I was buying russian ammo and warned me against it. They said that the steel casings can damage the gun. I also got an email from Sig Sauer...