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  1. S

    What makes one brand ammo better than the other?

    Why is it that a brand like Federal provides more accurate shots than a cheaper brand like Wolf or some surplus ammo of same weight and type? Is is due to the to the dimensions of the tip and how well rounded they were made? Is it due to how consistent the manufacturer kept the powder in each...
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    Question about GOA membership

    I joined up with the GOA via their website about 3 weeks ago and was wondering if they send some type of membership materials in the mail, membership card, etc. and how long does it usually take to receive these materials when you first join up? Or do they NOT send you anything at all?
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    Explain the IL Constitution to me....

    as far as it's right to bear arms laws. SECTION 22. RIGHT TO ARMS Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) What does "Subject only to the police power" mean? The rest of the...
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    Joined the GOA today.

    Being a longtime member of both the National Rifle Association and the Illinois State Rifle Association, I figured why not take another step and join the Gun Owners of America.... It couldn't hurt. :)
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    Really dumb question about FALs

    Excuse my ignorance and this dumb question, but I really want to know, when you are speaking to someone about FALs, do you pronounce the word FAL like in PAL or GAL or is does it rhyme with TALL or HALL. Or do you say each letter F....A.....L? I warned you this was a dumb question :D
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    Ruger M77VLE .308 Bolt-action

    Anyone own or shot one and compared it to something like a Remington 700P or 700VS? With Ruger having a laminated hardwood stock instead of a fiberglass stock and having a 2-stage trigger, is the VLE a good choice next to the Remingtons?
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    Which shotgun?

    I never owned a shotgun before and I wish to buy one for clay shooting, trap, skeet. What kind of shotgun am I looking for? Length? What gauge? I am not looking for the best shotgun, just an inexpensive, yet reliable one for a beginning shotgunner. Thanks for your opinions, Stoli&Cranberry...
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    Question on Harris Bipod

    I wish to buy a Harris BR bipod for my AR15. I see that there is also an S series that allows the base to rock left and right for leveling of the rifle. Does anyone recommend this S series benchrest bipod over the standard one? The S series costs about $25 more and so I wondered if the extra...
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    Gun Owners of America

    Anyone here a GOA member? How does GOA differ from the NRA as far as their involvement in Washington protecting our gun rights? Does GOA keep it's members updated by mail and other sources of what they have accomplished in fighting for our gun rights. Do you believe GOA is a worthy organization...
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    Out of Bulls-Eye Target Results

    I often seen pictures in magazines of target results made by shooters testing and shooting new guns. The results shown are small groups way outside the bulls-eye. Now even though the close grouping shows that the gun shoots and that the shooter shoots consistently in the same spot, shouldn't it...
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    Question on Enfield ammo compatibility

    My father thought he remembered that the ammunition that normally was used in the British Enfield rifles .303? .308? could be used in the the American's M1s, but the American ammo couldn't be used in the Enfields. Or it may have been the other way around and the American ammo could be used in...
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    Bureau of Justice Statistics on Firearms

    Check out the link below for information on firearms used in crimes such as what type, where obtained, percentage of deaths by, etc. Each section can be downloaded to Acrobat Reader or ASCII Text File.
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    Best sight system for Mini-14

    I can't stand the factory sights on the Mini-14 and was thinking about looking at any customized aftermarket sights available or adding a scope. What would be the best choice of sights and what would be a decent scope for the Mini-14?
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    Home defense weapons/What kind and Storage

    What kind of home defense weapon do you have? What is a better choice, handgun or rifle? How do you store it? If stored in gun safe, do you believe you can quickly get access to it if someone broke into your house during the night? Are rifles like AR15s and AKs good choices for home...
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    Harris Bipod for AR15

    What is the average height needed for a bipod when benchrest shooting with an AR15? Many people say that the 6"-9" bipod is perfect for benchrest, but if I want a bipod for both benchrest and for prone, would a 9"-13" be too high for bench? That looks like 9" would be the only possible average...
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    was this guy trying to rip me off or what?

    I wanted to buy an inexpensive stainless finish rifle scope and the only one this gun store had was a Tasco Silver Antler. I asked the price and the guy told me $113. Something didn't seem right. I then went home and looked through all my catalogs and online for Tasco Silver Antler rifle scopes...