Search results

  1. K

    PPK Perfection

    Never knew this little gun could be so much fun to shoot! I got lucky on a consignment purchase - Walther PPK (not PPK/S), it is in mint condition and the only cosmetic flaw is but a hairline scratch on the right side of the slide (easily polished off). Shot 100rds through it today with no...
  2. K

    How many min/hrs do you spend on this forum?

    Although I don't have the humongous post count (had more on a previous handle) I do browse this site quite often. And between work :D and at home, I'd have to say that I spend around 1 - 2 hours almost everyday reading and posting on TFL.
  3. K

    Age & Location Check!!!

    26, Bay Area Kalifornia here! (yeah I know, feel my pain...)
  4. K

    Worst case scenario: Kalifornia becomes an island and...

    Okay, so has anybody seen the movie Escape from L.A./Demolition Man? Geologically speaking, I believe the Kalifornia fault lines are located in areas where in 50,000 some odd years it will separate from the mainland and become an island. That's like after a gazillion earthquakes and the Plate...
  5. K

    Best pocket caliber?

    What's the best pocket caliber? My vote goes to the .32 auto pistol ala NAA Guardian, which was just added to the Kalifornia certified list :mad: (I wonder if they added a safety lever of some sort to it)...
  6. K

    I just found the coolest website...

  7. K

    Disturbing "The Anti-Drug" commercial

    Has anybody seen the latest commercial for "The Anti-Drug". It shows 2 adolescent kids, one holding a bong and apparently smoking marijuana in Dad's office. They talk, laugh, joke about stuff and all of a sudden the kid sitting down by the desk reaches for a drawer and pulls out a pistol...
  8. K

    Bankruptcy (Chapter 7) Question

    Just out of curiosity, are firearms exempt from liquidated assets. I understand there are different laws regarding this in each state...
  9. K

    Californians: What will be your "end of the year" purchase?

    Okay, 2003 is just around the corner and I'm sure all of you have a handgun or two you are planning to buy before the end of the year. So what will it be? Mine will be some sort of high-priced 1911 (Valtro, STI, Les Baer?) and probably another Glock in 9mm. Holy cow, only 2 months to go! :mad:
  10. K

    Show off your "pimp" gun...

    Here's my 'PIMP' custom Kimber fitted with synthetic (fake) Ivory grips. I named this baby "Holeymite" :rolleyes:
  11. K


    With all the b.s. laws coming to effect next year, will you continue to purchase new handguns in our God-forsaken state? I am quite sure I still will, probably wait a month or two to see how things go. Can't let them win. I want to help and support local gun shops when they already have so much...
  12. K

    Anybody try these yet?

    You can place 12rds in a Winchester Defender!
  13. K

    Carry Combo

    How about a cheap but effective carry combo for those with a college-student budget...
  14. K

    The expense of customizing...

    Anybody here buy a gun only to spend more money changing parts and customizing the heck out of it? Sheesh, even replacing just the grips will set you back $30-$60 depending on what type it is. Ivory? Forget about it. The 1911 being the epitome of beautiful custom work. I think its all worth...
  15. K

    S&W 629 Barrel Question

    Is a 629-1 six-inch barrel interchangeable with the current model 629-6's?
  16. K

    Have you ever shot with one handgun on each hand?

    I have yet to try it, but I've been practicing shooting with my weak (left) hand (I'm ambidextrous but primarily right handed). One reason I want dual Glock 34's is to satisfy my primal urge to replicate what I've seen in movies and video games. Call me stupid, but I think it would be cool if I...
  17. K

    Who needs the .40S&W cartridge?

    Not starting a flame-intended post or caliber war here, but I just don't see any advantages of the .40S&W cartridge unless you compete in IPSC (what a lot of Limited shooters use) or in law enforcement. I mean its not that much bigger than a 9mm... .40 pistol owners please prove me wrong!
  18. K

    So many handguns to buy, so little time...

    [Begin Rant mode] Kalifornians - Doesn't the "one-handgun-per-30-day-period" law suck? I am back logged 'till October with handgun purchases, so that leaves me with 2 to go left for the year. I am trying to save up and get the ones I really want before the beginning of next year - and Lord...
  19. K

    Max Payne

    Anybody play this game yet? I have it for the Xbox and just beat it. This game is just friggin' awesome! The weapons used in the game are modeled after the real thing, even the spent brass and shells look life-like! Killer action and a cool story line - Max Payne kicks a$$! Coolest weapon =...
  20. K

    What's your "dream" pistol?

    My dream pistol(s):