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    Hey, Rich! Will PM still work after the 1st?

    Even though posting to the forum will be shut down, will PM still work? There's not any other convenient way to keep in touch with some of us curmudgeons who hide our email addys from the whole rest of the world! :D
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    Unfair aim taken at the firearms industry ============================ Comment: Unfair aim taken at the firearms industry By J.R. Labbe San Antonio Express-News Web Posted : 10/27/2002 12:00 AM The recent outbreak of long-range sniper attacks in Maryland...
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    Help jog my memory RE: S&W .38 revolver

    During the Vietnam War, some Army pilots were typically issued a Smith & Wesson .38 caliber revolver. I carried one for 2 years but never did find out the exact designation of it, OR I just can't remember it. Now I'm driving myself nuts trying to find out exactly what it was. There are a...
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    Please help the sport of shooting! (And do it before 2:00 PM EST Sunday, August 4th)

    There's a time sensitive opportunity to get a LOT of free international publicity that will cast the sport of shooting in a very positive light. New Zealand is having a national campaign promoting its atheletes from varioius sports. One of the sports is shooting. If a shooter (and we've...
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    NEW pistols -- Rohrbaugh 9mm -- more information

    R-9 and MS-9 Stainless and aluminum, tiny and potent, and they've intrigued many of us since prototypes were available for some to see early this year at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas. The website,, doesn't really have some of the other information I think is...
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    LaserBlaster -- Anybody have any information?

    LaserBlaster is an interesting looking training device. It goes into the barrel, and when you dry fire, the laser flashes momentarily where a bullet would have hit. Should be good for teaching trigger control, grip, and lots of other stuff. Here's a link to an information page. Thing is...
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    Taurus PT-145 -- are they fixed?

    I'm ready for another go at the Taurus PT-145. Does anybody know if any of them with serial numbers higher than NUGxxxx and numbered above 65xxx have suffered the frame cracking problem?
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    Blackhawk's Kel-Tec P11 Trigger Job

    On my P11, the end result of these modifications was trigger travel of 0.55", negligable overtravel with the trigger breaking just short of contacting the grip, and trigger pull force of 6.5#. The trigger job permanently modifies two parts, the trigger bar (260) and the hammer (271). The...
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    New Kel-Tec P11 9mm -- Outstanding!

    I just got a new P11. Overall impression -- outstanding! Trigger action is buttery smooth and measures at 8.0 +/- 0.1 pounds out of the box. Trigger travel start to release is exactly 0.65" instead of 1 inch as seems to be everybody's erroneous opinion. The ONLY problem that prevent's the...
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    RBCD Performance Plus Ammo

    9mm RBCD Performance Plus Ammo Has anybody used RBCD ammo? I have a ballistic table for their various calibers, and some of the numbers are pretty provocative. For example, the 9mm Luger 60 gr TFSP bullet has 2010 fps and 539 Ft Lbs at the muzzle from a 4" barrel. At about $1.70 each...
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    PT-145 Titanium -- does it even exist?

    A few months ago, Taurus was boosting the PT-145 with titanium slide, etc., on its website Since then, I've seen reviews and forum comments mentioning it. Now, there's no reference to it on the Taurus website, it's not mentioned in later reviews, and it's not listed as a model anywhere I've...
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    PT-145 trigger -- dry firing?

    I don't have a PT-145 ... yet. Most forum comments about their triggers describe them as "gritty", and some have said they smooth out after 200-500 rounds. Why not just dry fire the pistol a few hundred times to let the trigger mechanism burnish itself in? Also, some have noted...