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  1. D

    I was wrong......... ask a member here to present some facts to justify his statement. The 'bosses' of this site say I was wrong to do that so I accept their decision. Respectfully...
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    post and answer revolver question

    355sigfan made remarks concerning the handicap where the revolver was/is concerned. His remarks were not personal nor directed towards anyone. My request that he present facts is not directed in a personal manner either. So give the answer 355SigFan in this fine public forum. You opened the door...
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    Which gun Sig355fan?

    You stated in the revolver forum that the revolver was a handicap. You seem to be a profesional so please indicate which handgun I need to use so that I won't be in a handicapped situation. Much thanks for your input for others and me...
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    I,as well as other handgunners, am constantly seeking out handgunners,such as yourself, who speak with knowledge,wisdom and authority in areas of firearms-especailly handguns. Would you be so kind as to share your specific training and accomplishments? I am sure there are many things that can be...
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    Several of us here at my State Range have been reading your various post here at this fine site. You speak with authority and knowledge and we would just request, for the benefit of those of us who are continually seeking to be more responsable firearms owners and users, that you share your...
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    Your 'proficiency'

    How good a shot are you with your revolver--any of them? Have you been evaluated? If not then evaluate yourself with this simple test which is a good indicator. **************************************************** wadcutters are as good as any for this exercise Your target is a black sheet of...
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    Semi-auto Range Instructions

    I have enjoyed the oppertunity to travel to other continents to participate in handgun competition........ In every European Nation(as well as here at home) there is one 'generic' bit of basic Shooting Range which is taught when 'any brand ' of semi-auto handgun is being used. That is how to...
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    Speed Six

    Ihave a short barreled stainless Speed Six-357. I smoothed the action and it is sweet---- Here is the Question--Do any of you have one? What ammo have you setted on...
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    Mike Irwin and other seniors

    This is a humble request from me to all and especially senior members such as Mike. I want you to watch my remarks which I do not indent to be a flame or agression from me. I really would appreciate if you seniors, and others, will give me your thoughts when I post. I am not just 'seeking'...
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    Our Revolvers........

    Hello to all and Mike!!!! I have been soaking up the quality post here for some months. After 30 years I have retired from a job which revolved around many LE weapons. There are many top shelf members here. I am a new member and this is the best site I have seen. WE have a common...