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    AAR Trident Concepts/Jeff Gonzales CC1 and SOMC1

    AAR Trident Concepts Jeff Gonzales Combative Carbine 1 Shooting On the Move 1 This past weekend I had the opportunity for some training from Jeff Gonzales of Trident Concepts. Here is Jeff’s Bio...
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    Mosseberg Ad

    I was looking at the Mosseberg double action 590 ad I think its on page 32 or 33 but if you look at the lead guy he is pulling on a piece of nylon webbing and it is a sling with a sling swivel. Thought it looked kind of weird.
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    I have a question regarding the history of Dick Casull and his mini revolvers. I know that he has made them through North American Arms, Freedom Arms, and probably under his new company Casull arms. I own one of his mini revolvers from what I think was his first company Rocky Mountain Arms...
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    I have a question regarding the history of Dick Casull and his mini revolvers. I know that he has made them through North American Arms, Freedom Arms, and probably under his new company Casull arms. I own one of his mini revolvers from what I think was his first company Rocky Mountain Arms...
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    Jeff Cooper

    In proper hands, the Glock serves just as well as the 1911 - at conversational distances. And such distances are the rule in defensive combat. That is a quote from Jeff Cooper. Things dont cease to amaze me.