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  1. H

    Louis Awerbuck Carbine/Rifle Class: Boise, Idaho June 2013

    Louis Awerbuck ( will be teaching his Tactical Rifle/Carbine course near Boise on June 21-23, 2013. The host range is at Emmett, Idaho, about 30 miles from Boise. Please contact me for further information: benglandcom.2 AT June 21-23 (Fri-Sun): Louis Awerbuck...
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    Bill Jeans Handgun/Carbine: North Idaho June 2008

    Bill Jeans (Morrigan Consulting, ) will be teaching two classes at Lewiston, Idaho (northern Idaho) in June. June 14-15 (weekend): Defensive Pistol. This course will supplement the handgun concealed carry licensee or concerned citizen’s training with defensive...
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    Oct/Nov issues

    Rich, I really enjoyed the October SWAT. The cover model, though, needs a Mike Dillon/Blue Press makeover. I was thinking heels, a classic black cocktail dress, and a bit more cleavage. Of course, why stop there? A December cover has so many possibilities. I was thinking Louis Awerbuck in...
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    Bill Jeans Handgun Training; North Idaho June 2006

    Bill Jeans will be teaching two handgun courses near Lewiston, Idaho in June 2006. Please contact me for further information: england at June 24-25 (Weekend): Bill Jeans ( will be teaching a basic defensive handgun course. This course will supplement the...
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    Louis Awerbuck Carbine Course; North Idaho July 2006

    Louis Awerbuck will be teaching a carbine class near Lewiston, Idaho in July 2006. Please contact me for further information: england at July 21-23 (Fri-Sun): Louis Awerbuck ( will be teaching his Tactical Carbine course. This course is designed for quick, accurate...
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    Louis Awerbuck Carbine Course; North Idaho August 2005

    Louis Awerbuck will be teaching a carbine class near Lewiston, Idaho in August 2005. Please contact me for further information: england at August 5-7 (Fri-Sun): Louis Awerbuck ( will be teaching his Tactical Carbine course. This course is designed for quick...
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    Bill Jeans Handgun Training; North Idaho July 2005

    Bill Jeans will be teaching two handgun courses near Lewiston, Idaho in July 2005. Please contact me for further information: england at July 9-10 (Weekend): Bill Jeans ( will be teaching a basic defensive handgun course. This course will supplement the...
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    Innocents Betrayed---Pass it on

    I had a chance to watch Innocents Betrayed, from JPFO ( It is a very well done one-hour presentation on government gun control and genocide. You can purchase six copies of the DVD or VHS for $105. That gives you one to watch, and five to pass along to friends who wouldn't quite...
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    Kimber 8400 Montana--Accuracy

    I've been considering a Kimber 8400 Montana in .300 WSM for hunting and long-range shooting. Does anyone have experience with this rifle? What kind of MOA accuracy can you expect with quality handloads? Many thanks.
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    Trainers, Choices, and Responsibility

    I’ve read Rich’s recent post and share some of his concerns. Defensive firearms training is important, useful, and completely unregulated. I’d prefer that it would stay that way. It is also an endeavor with a substantial history and contributions from innumerable shooters and teachers. With that...
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    Recommendation: SKS replacement sights

    I recently purchased a replacement rear sight for an SKS. The maker's web site is: It gets two big thumbs up. The sights is very similar to an M-16A1 rear sight and has the same windage adjustment. You remove the dust cover latch pin from the original rifle (I had...
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    My first shooting Zen koan

    My son and I, along with three good friends, were blessed with excellent handgun training from Jim Crews today, and will experience more of the same tomorrow. Jim started out by having us simply fire three good shots into a group with no time limit. We repeated essentially the same exercise...
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    Bill Jeans Advanced Handgun in North Idaho July 9-11

    Bill Jeans will be teaching an advanced handgun course near Lewiston, Idaho on July 9-11. Previous training is required. Bill is a former operations manager and chief rangemaster at Gunsite, and is the owner-operator of Morrigan Consulting ( I've trained with Bill at...
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    Louis Awerbuck Tactical Shotgun Course in North Idaho, July 23-25

    Louie Awerbuck will be teaching his Tactical Shotgun I course near Lewiston, Idaho (north Idaho) on July 23-25. No previous shotgun training is required. Louie is an outstanding teacher, columnist for SWAT, and author of "The Defensive Shotgun: Techniques & Tactics", probably the best book on...
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    Building a Garand

    I have a Springfield Garand receiver that I'd like to get built into a quality rifle. I know that Fulton Armory can do this (for about $1000). Do any of you have experience with this process? Who have you used, what did it cost, and are you happy? Thanks much.
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    BATF has a

    BATF has a kid's web site I'm trying to confirm some federal regulations, so I go to the BATF web site. They have a listing for "ATF Kids" and I figure that it can't be BBQ recipes from Waco. Nope, this is the kinder, gentler ATF. See for yourself:
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    Scout Rifle: Savage, Rem 7?

    I have been planning to put together a Scout rifle, but hadn't decided on the base. Rich was kind enough to let me use his Steyr Scout for a class, and although it's a fine rifle (thanks, Rich!), I wasn't altogether enamored with it. I had a chance to look over a Savage Scout today. The price...
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    "Ballistic" briefcase with holster

    I've worn out my trusty Lands End attache, and would like to replace it with an attache that has an integral holster. I know that Dillon and BlackHawk each make something like this. Does anyone have experience with one they could recommend? Any utility in adding a ballistic panel like Spectra or...
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    I've fired my pistol **** rounds without cleaning!

    I've heard this claim many times and I'm trying to understand the rationale. I appreciate that some designs (like the Glock) are forgiving of being fired dirty. I suppose that might conceivably be handy. What really threw me was a handgun class I was taking this summer where a LEO casually...
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    Gunsite General Rifle 270 Masters Class

    I was able to attend a Masters 270 class last week, thanks to some poor soul who had to drop his reservation last June. Rich Lucibella has previously posted a detailed review of a previous Masters 270. Find this at: I had not trained...