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  1. C

    ace rifle stock ??'s

    anyone familiar with this company? thought about one for a daewoo(sp)DR-200 any comments are appreciated:) thanks, clown
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    covering porting?

    has anyone tried covering porting? just outta curiosity,like wrapping alabama chrome(duct tape) around the ports:D inquiring minds want to know:) clown
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    British Bull-Dog???

    a buddy came over w\this pistol. no idea about it:confused: never seen anything like it. on top of the barrel is"forehand & wadsworth". 5-shot chamber dia..455" cyl.length-1.292" bbl.dia.-.3905" serial#-633XX any light you can shed on this would be appreciated. thanks, clown
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    cz85 range report

    finally made it to the range. shot 130+ fmj assorted brands functional test only(strong&weak handed) not a hiccup once.used factory 10&15 rounders pretty impressed so far. fit and finish are very good(gloss blue)inside and out thought i'd pass it along clown
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    hunting tools!

    my bad
  6. C

    modern marvels on now!

    on history channel!
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    e-bay problems

    i got an e-mail from e-bay,today. they have taken off 2 items that i had bids on. apparently they didn't seem fit to be on e-bay. 1)dillon sdb reloader(they have a reloader section?) 2)ar15 lower parts kit.(springs,pins,etc.) mmmm!! do i feel a boycott coming on? i,think so! clown
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    how do you pack your safe?

    me,top shelf,handguns in rugs.upright took out rt handed side shelves,shortys,folders,carbines. longgun side,everyother one sock.(darn pistol grips,carry handles) anybody else have any good suggestions? thanks in advanced! clown
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    RSBH trigger guard?

    what's the easiest way to remove that sharp edge on the rear edge? thanks clown
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    bullet casting

    was thinking about casting bullets what would be the start up cost? good brands of equipment? safety & health hazards? i reload lead in both 357 &45acp currently. how about cost effectiveness? i'm sure you guys can lead me in the right direction. thanks , clown
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    looking at buying another.45 any comments on the cz97? do they offer a all comments welcome. thanks in advanced!
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    bolt release on ar15

    just bought an eagle arms car the problem is that to release the bolt you literally have to slam the release with the palm of your hand to let it go home. any quick fixes? visual inspection doesn't look any different from my others.thanks in advanced.
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    *&* 29-?

    i have 2 *&* 29's. 1)629-3 2)29-5 my question is,what does the suffix stand for? this should be an easy one for you TFL'es thanks for you help,as usual!
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    got a problem w/tc contender

    just bought a used tc contender.sometimes when i cock the hammer back it wants to jump forward.and then will not lock to the rear.i have tried different ways of operations,all with the same effects.this doesn't happen all the time{50%}.me thinks,it should go to the smith,any help would be...
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    oly arms

    anybody with experience with a oly arms plinker?
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    l2a2 tri lux scope

    does anybody have any experience with this type of scope?