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  1. W

    Local crime stopper report

    This is what's on this week's crime of the week: Can't say I feel bad for someone that left a nice gun in an unlocked vehicle, but now some dirtbag is running around with a new-to-him 1911. Or has something to trade/sell to...
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    2019 Wyoming Gun Bill(s)

    There are only two firearms related bills introduced this year, HB0183 and SF075 (House Bill & Senate File) and are identical bills titled "Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments". As written, anyone who can legally carry a concealed weapon could do so in any local or state government...
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    Weird bullet action

    I don't want this to be a drive-by, but at the same time I think you really need to see what happens when this guy fires a round into a frozen lake. It's not at all what I would have expected to see. Not something I think I'd want to try, my luck the ice would fracture and dump me in. Guy...
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    Because.......Florida! The person in charge of background checks forgot their password and wasn't able to log into NICS, so Florida just simply didn't do...
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    Wichester M-22 ammo

    Thought this was a good deal @1000 for $50 at Walmart, but I was wrong. This is the dirtiest .22 ammo I think I've ever used. I just left 250-300 rounds sitting on a table on the .22 pistol lane at the range, maybe someone else can have fun with it. I still have another box of 500 that I don't...
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    Thoughts and prayers for members and anyone else in the Houston/South Texas areas affected by this storm. Stay safe, and keep your powder dry. Sending $$ to Red Cross.
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    RAR .223 fun

    I finally got tired of waiting for a Henry Long Ranger in .223, so for less than the price of that rifle I got an RAR with a Sig 4-12x40 scope instead. First range trip I tried some 62g Hornady Black and had trouble getting it to group well at 35 and 100 yards. So I got some 75g of the same...
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    Wyoming Gun Bills

    Two gun related bills have been introduced this year, both related to gun free zones. HB 136 removes college campus restrictions for CCW holders. HB 137 removes the restriction on CCW at government meetings, and possibly removes the...
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    A gap to fill

    Currently my handgun inventory consists of the following: Auto: 1 .22 1 32acp 3 9mm (1 da, 1 da/sa, 1 sa) Revolver: 1 .38 2 .357 1 .45acp Clearly there is an imbalance in the force. It would seem that a nice .22 revolver would restore that balance, but which one? I have long longed for the...
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    Model 14-7 price?

    Found a very lightly used 6" 14-7 on consignment for $550. Condition seems to be 98% or better. Timing and lockup are good. Is this a fair price?
  11. W

    GP100 or 686? Help me decide which 4" .357

    I looked at a 686+ yesterday, but didn't find a GP100 to compare. The trigger on the Smith felt a little better than the SP101 one shop had on hand, but I don't know if it was $140 better, which is what they quoted. I like my LCR, it's a great carry but not much fun to shoot, so I want a little...
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    Henry went home for a (short) visit

    I recently bought a Henry Big Boy Steel in .38/.357. It's a blast to shoot, but it was hitting close to a foot high at 25 yards. I could bust clays all day with it out to 100 yards, shooting 158gr .38 from Freedom Munitions, but I had to hold almost a foot low to hit them. I never did try .357...
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    Wyoming Gun Bills.

    It's that time of year again. Wyoming legislature is in session, and I'm perusing the list of bills on This is the first one I've come across so far. HB 114, repeal "Gun Free Zones". I copied and pasted and tried to clean it up as best I could for readability. A...
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    Family Felon

    I think something similar has been asked before, but I'm not having any luck finding it. So I apologize in advance if this is redundant. I have a relative who is currently serving time for a felony, but will likely be paroled in the next few months. As far as I'm concerned they're not welcome...
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    New Keltec P32

    Picked up my new P32 this last week, and got to the range with it on Friday. I didn't do anything as far as cleaning/lubing before first use, and shoot a box of WWB 71gr TMJ. I had half a dozen jams, and about half the box didn't chamber fully, I had to thumb the slide to get it into battery...
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    Keltec site virus

    Was wanting to look at the Keltec P32 last night, so I went to the keltec web site, and got infected with the "System Check" virus. Very nasty and a real pain to clean up. Just a heads up to other unsuspecting web tourists out there.