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  1. G

    Cheek piece or no cheek piece

    I am trying to decide between two rifles. The Browning Hunter in 30-06 or the Browning Hunter "full line dealer" chambered the same. The biggest functional difference is that the "full line dealer" has a raised cheek piece. I plan on putting on a 3-9x40 Leopold VXR. I will mount this as low as...
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    NRA VP Wayne LaPierre on tonight National FOX News 9PM Eastern

    Just wanted to let you guys know. I didn't see this posted anywhere and hope it's not a duplicate.
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    The movie "Heat" is on TNT right now

    Great movie but also has an excellent example of shooting and moving right after they rob the bank. Good ol' action shooting movie. Al Pacino, Robert De Niro.
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    I haven't been shooting in over a month and I'm having some serious withdrawls. When is the last time you have been shooting.
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    Kahr PM9 Spare magazine holder

    I carry my Kahr at about 1:00 IWB with an untucked shirt. This method works well for me. However I need a magazine holder for my spare 7 rounder. Preferrably something I can wear on my belt around 11:00. It would be best of it alligned with my belt, parallel. This way it would feel better...
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    FAQ’s By TFL Members "I'm new to handguns and would like to get one for self defense"

    So here it is. There have been a lot of new people to guns asking questions on this forum so I thought it would be cool to create a general thread for "I'm new to handguns and would like my first defensive pistol". I want this to be a positive thread so no bashing other styles of weapons or...
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    Should You be Judged by the Amount of Firepower on You or by Crimes You've Committed?

    I’ll try to explain my question as best I can. I have seen a couple of posts on hear judging people for the amount of firepower they wish to have in a particular situation. I.e. one thread had to do with carrying multiple weapons concealed, for example having two or possibly three weapons on...
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    Glock 29 vs Glock 23

    Yea, you saw it right. I own a G23 and a G20. I'm considering a G29 but, I have heard that the 10mm in a short barrel like the G29 cuts down on the power considerably. So I'm looking for real world numbers out of a G29. Does anyone have chronographed numbers out of thier 29. Or comparisons...
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    Glock poll: Like them, Hate them, Make sure you read all options before you vote

    Here's your chance to speak out. Please read all the options before you vote.
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    Moderators please delete

    Please delete. Thank you.
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    Pic/Video Thread: Largest - Most powerful Handgun / Pistol You own or have owned

    For me it was my AMT .50 Automag V. Chambered in the .50AE. It was so much fun to shoot. I had to many problems with it so I had to sell it. I can't stand owning a weapon I can't trust. I would love to own another that I can trust. My wife shot it once and I'll never forget her expression...
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    Concealed carryers

    If you're going over to an aquantances house for a social gathering and you don't know how people feel about weapons do you still carry? Of course it's completely concealed so no one would know. Mostly you believe there will be friendly people but you won't know everybody. And you don't plan...
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    Glock Gen4 26/27 with ProMag Magazine spacer

    Anyone with a gen4 26/27 have experience with a ProMag magazine spacer? My concern is: 1. Will they fit? 2. Will they have to come up with a new version for gen4's. 3. How will they work with adding backstraps? Any thoughts? Or real world experience? Heres a pic of a gen3 G26 with a...
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    Another Perspective: Why not to Ban High Cap Mags.

    I liked this article and so I wanted to share. Two main points: 1. Extra High Cap Mags are more dificult for bad guys to conceal. 2. Extra High Cap Mags are better for defense of inocent people in more dangerous places (i.e. You live near the Mexico Border.) I think these are good points...
  15. G

    Dropping slide on empty chamber. Will it damage the weapon?

    Ok, I have a question for you guys. About 5 years ago or so someone told me it's not good on a weapon to drop the slide on an empty chamber without using your weak hand on the slide to ease it forward. I have a Gen2 Glock22 that i have shot thousands of rounds through. I had always dropped...
  16. G

    Jared Loughner pleads not guilty. He's not a lunitic, he's a cold blooded muderer!

    OK - I'm a little ticked so forgive me. Both sides (conservatives and liberals) paint this guy to be a lunatic. I'm sorry I don't see it that way. I think he's a cold blooded mass murderer and should be treated as such. Conservatives are so worried of loosing thier 2nd ammendment rights that...
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    Ted Nugents Reaction to the incident in AZ.

    NUGENT: Be prepared for evil Rather than trying to fathom it, just be ready to stop it. Full Story Here:
  18. G

    Gun safes for storing ammo also?

    Ok - so first hears a situation. Your a fireman with your department answering an alarm on a burning house. You approach the house and start setting up your equipment to fight the fire. As you're setting up you start hearing loud bangs which you can only guess is ammunition going off. Would...
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    My Wife is Exercising Her Right:

    My Wife is Exercising Her Right! My Wife is Exercising Her Right: I feel the need to brag about my wife. Not only because I’m proud of her but also to help encourage other ladies to step forward and exercise their own right to keep and bear arms. It’s great to have the tools to defend your...
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    Experience or reviews on ATI for Ak's and MAK's

    I've searched both on the internet via google and on this site and coming up empty. I'm curious if anyone has any experience with ATI - Advanced Technology International. I'm looking to make my MAK-90 a folder (922r compliant of course) and am looking at the "AK-47 Ultimate Stock "Plus" &...