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  1. 7

    Seating bullets

    Been doing this for a long time, like maybe 25 or so years, but getting a lot of negative feed back. When I seat for my high powered rifle loads I use the lands as my guid to seating depth. I seat up to the lands and then back of to just the point I'm not touching the lands. My loads have always...
  2. 7

    Self defense laws

    I really question the self defense laws of many state's, and don't understand that right being limited to any extent. In my state we don't carry the burden of proof. We can use any weapon for any circumstance that threatens our personal safety or that of another. The perp. doesn't have to have...
  3. 7

    Legal or not?

    I have a Beneli pump, don't know what model but it is exactly the same action as an 870. Anyway, it is 18 1/2" barrel and will hold 6 in the tube and 1 of course in the chamber. Nothing different about the stock, nothing after market on it, all original. I live in Arizona too.
  4. 7

    Test Results of .357 Gold Dot

    Well, I loaded up some 158 grain Gold Dots and wanted to see if they perform as Speer describes them. I shot them through my chronograph at 1250 ish fps into a cardboard box lined with a garbage can liner, then stuffed it tight with old dennim jeans, filled the box full of water. I let the jeans...
  5. 7

    Deer hunting in Southern Arizona

    Well, hello all fellow hunters. The November rifle season went perfect. My Son who not to long ago returned from Afghanistan went out and bought a really nice Rem. 700 CDL in 7mm Rem. mag. for this year rifle season. He and his youngest brother and I all got drawn for the hunt and had an...
  6. 7

    Closing the gap

    One of the quailties us wheel gun guys look at when choosing one, is cylinder gap. It's certainly not much of a primary factor to the average shopper, but for some it bares importantance. Having said that, has anyone with more regard for this element ever considered having it done, or has had it...
  7. 7

    An appology from 700CDL

    I sincerely appologize if my post, or any that followed that post "When it happens to you" some how offended you, or others in any manner. Your personal opinion or profile of me, or your opinion of my purpose for those posts, do not leave me with any anemosity or grudge what so ever. I am glad...
  8. 7

    Hand loading question

    I'm going ask a loaded question that has been in the back of my mind since I started hand loading over 25 years ago. Why do most people that load for a handgun, load non jacketed bullets? I have never loaded with anything but jacketed bullets. When I decided to hand load it was primarily to...
  9. 7

    Bedding the action

    I like to punch a lot of paper and hunt with my high powered rifles, and seem to have no problem producing very impressive groups. I feel if I quarter will easily cover a 5 shot group at 200 yds. my rifle is probably more accurate than I can shoot from a sand bag. A lot of other shooters that...
  10. 7

    When it happens to you

    I live in Tucson, and honestly don't know how I would have reacted. I would like to think I would have acted in such a manner that could have saved a life, but unless you are there, it isn't possible to know how one would react. I've been kidnapped 3 times, robbed numerous times, and have had...
  11. 7

    Trigger question

    Today I was shooting some bench and stopped to chat with another fellow shooter. During our conversation he was kind of boasting that his rifle had a 3 once trigger. I've been around the fine rifle seen for a good long while and have never heard of any trigger capable of holding a 3 once...
  12. 7

    Reminton 700 bolt

    Hi there, I have a rather new 700 CDL and recently while cleaning it I notice that there is a hole that goes into the bolt body just back of a lug and off to the side of it. It is larger than the extractor holding pin hole that goes through and through. What worse is I am extremely familar with...
  13. 7

    Benching with a sand bag

    I enjoy shooting long range groups, but unless one can find a way to stabilize the rifle effectively, the groups become more a scattered 2" or 3" area, if your lucky. I've tried shooting with different systems including expensive commercial ones, and some I've constructed at home. After many...
  14. 7

    Metallic hand loading

    I was sitting here thinking about the hand loading process as interpreted by a bench rest shooter. I once had a good friend some years ago who was a competion bench rest shooter, and also built some nice rifles. I recalled a time when we were discussing loads. I was asking him if he knew of a...
  15. 7

    Hand Loading For Disaster

    Hello all, I'm rather new to this web site but have read post after post about typical issues with hand loading that frankly scares me. I've been hand loading for metallic and shotshell for over two decades and have as well worked in the retail industry. Having been around the busines and those...
  16. 7

    Remington bolt head problem

    I have a Remington 710 in 7mm Rem. mag. that is a nail driver that my Son had a mis-hap with. I hand load and while out out town my Son grabbed a box of what he thought was 7mm ammo. that was in fact some potent .270 ammo. He took my 710 out shooting, chambered a round, and it fired. The case...
  17. 7

    Revolver cylinder gap

    Hi there, I've been searching my physics fueled thoughts for a way to eliminate the pressure escaping from the revolvers' cylinder gap for obvious reasons. Cutting into the top strap of the frame is only one small part of my motivation. Other valid reasons include improved velocity, preventing...