Search results

  1. M

    Firearms Poll at AT&T Worldnet

    Vote in the "How many Firearms Do you own?" poll over at AT&T Worldnet. I thought it interesting that they were at 59% owned zero. But I guess that leaves a better percentage then 70 out of 290 million for gun owners. It would seem most of the bulletin board comments are along the lines of pro...
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    NRA Convention 2002 Reno,Nevada

    Anybody going to NRA Convention 2002? I'll be there to check it out since it's in my own backyard. Gun Organization Politics aside, You don't get any representation if you don't represent yourself. I'll be there with my ar15 Tee Shirt and Molon Labe hat! If any of yous guys is going too, keep...
  3. M

    Insulting NRA Cartoon w Dog Mauling Theme

    Just something I saw today that makes me angry! Stereotyping NRA members as militant Redneck Bubba's with belt fed weapons and chewing tabacco. Hate Speech hypocrisy knows no bounds. Just check out this Cartoon from the Sacramento Bee. Let them no about it, I will...
  4. M

    Schumer'n'Kennedy at it again "Use NICS in Terrorist Investigations Act" (S. 1788)

    Link to article Senators Propose 'Gun Owner Registration' By Jeff Johnson Congressional Bureau Chief December 17, 2001 Capitol Hill ( - Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) wants the Department of Justice to keep personal data on law-abiding gun buyers from the National...
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    Support for Military High, Less Support on Home Front (for Anti Terror measures))

    Support for Military High, Less Support on Home Front (for Anti Terror measures) Support for Military High, Less Support on Home Front (For Anti Terror Loss of liberties) It seems that may be the sheeple aren't all as lost as we think.,2933,39817,00.html FOX...
  6. M

    Supreme Court Lets (NJ) Gun Ban Stand

    What I don't understand is why the plaintiffs will not sue against the validity of the infringements by way of individual rights (RKBA) rather than attack the language of the bans themselves. This may be a way to force SCOTUS to get involved. Thoughts...
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    Ann Landers Praises Kennedy? Gives Lipservice to Kid'N'Guns Org

    Its probably completely well known But Ann is a Teddy fan :barf: I thought Teddy was a bachelor, this new one better lookout for bridge crossings. Ann Landers: Gun safety in home is matter of Common...
  8. M

    Hunting a Terror Threat in NY State! Yeah Right.

    It seems the kooks are at it again, I love it though. It sure makes them look like morons.,2933,38439,00.html N.Y. Wildlife Group Calls Hunting a Terror Threat Friday, November 09, 2001 Respond to Editor Email this Article ALBANY, N.Y. — Saying...
  9. M

    What gun do you use for IDPA/IPSC and how often?

    It seems there are a lot of varied opinions here on TFL regarding the suitibility of different pistols for competition and defense. I just wanted to see how many matches or organized shooting events the average person here competes in. Lets tell what gun we use for these events and if it is...
  10. M

    PMC/Springfield Armory/Savage others in Sacramento,CA Nov3&4

    I wanted to let everybody know that the PMC company's Promo Truck is parked in front of The River City Gun Exchange in Sacramento CA for this weekend Nov 3/4. The have sales on ammo and most models of Springfield Armory Rifles and Pistols, Savage Rifles, Verona Shotguns, "DOCTOR " Optics( I...
  11. M

    Fox News "Terrorists Attacked Gun Control Movement"

    The Tide of our battle against gun control is changing. Lets all work hard to keep it going!,2933,37955,00.html "I think all women oughta carry a cell phone and a three-fifty-seven. Loaded." So declares a woman interviewed by The New Republic's Michelle...
  12. M

    1911's make better Ball point Pen launching mortars

    I thought I would share some "Brilliant" and "Valuable" conclusions I have come up with after many years of tinkering and testing. I shoot 1911's and Glocks. After all the tinkering I've done on 1911 actions, I will generally test the series 80 safety and trigger mechanism by placing a ball...
  13. M

    Sound Advice for Confronting Peace Protesters

    How to deal with anti-war protestors 1) Approach protester talking about "peace" and saying there should be, "no retaliation." 2) Engage in brief conversation, ask if military force is appropriate. 3) When he says "No," ask, "Why not?" 4) Wait until he says something to the...
  14. M

    National Missle Defense

    Does any body Still Think a National Missle Defense is a Bad Idea?? I know its off the RKBA subject but I wonder if all the hoplessly less than objective media liberal machine will even make the connection between Todays events an the possibility of a rogue nation delivering Nukes. Its pretty...