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    300gr 44 magnum hollowpoints

    I was just curious to know how people feel about the 300gr hollowpoint in 44magnum rifle rounds whether good or bad? Do any of you use this round to hunt or in general how is this round good or bad or too much too little in the rifle echelon?
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    mint WWII japanese rifle including bayonet handed over at 'gun buyback' program...... Maybe this is a biased place to ask, but am I being cynical to think this is just laziness, lack of intelligence, a disrespect to history, fill in the blanks to hand over a piece of...
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    man pulls gun on man upset about political bumper sticker articles can be deceiving but any thoughts on this nay or yay to the CCWer drawing his pistol?
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    admitted meth addict sues 90yr old homeowner who shot him during home invasion???!!!!

    Hello Fellow TFLers, I apologize if this is posted in the wrong forum. Besides that, I don't believe this thread exists yet. I was wondering if this guy has Any case?? Of course we live in a free country, but in all honesty can something like this 'fly'? The article is upsetting, and part...
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    forced to ditch/dispose of one firearm, which one?

    We hear about special firearms on TFL, and I guess at least some can make a case that every firearm they have owned or do own is special, but which firearm would you get rid of and why if you had no choice & had to choose one? the scenario is you have to choose one of your firearms to get rid...
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    what's the deal on the shotgun for HD issue?

    maybe this should be in tactics forum...anyhows, how many of you all use your shotgun of choice as your primary Home Defense weapon (or sometimes use it as your primary)? I have never been able to shake the truth from my head that while sleeping or whatever, the shotgun is the best HD...
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    maxsell being sued by glock and 79yr old owner is scared************=Newsletter%2B08-11-12 I am on the email list of this company after buying a small item a few years ago. Has anybody else heard of this lawsuit and/or does anyone have...
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    Cobra lifetime warranty//warranty stories

    I just wanted to say that I took advantage of a warranty for the first time on any saturday night special .38 cobra derringer cobra has a lifetime warranty...I mailed the firearm thru UPS and paid a few dollars for the some odd hundred dollars insurance amount. I kept the receipt...
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    NH grandfather arrested for shooting gun in ground to stop burglar Wow, I'm disappointed about this. I just don't understand why this man would be arrested for this? Doing it possibly saved the burglars life.
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    man going to court to defend gun rights,0,6052042.story Supposedly this man has never been arrested and never had a speeding ticket. That is noteworthy in my opinion, though the article...
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    gotta love the Lone Star state I think this could be in the legal thread too. What was that character's name who said: "Stupid is as stupid does." No sense at all on the burglar's part no matter how you look at it...
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    Ranchers are in trouble and in fear on TX borders Listen, I for one BELIEVE the ranchers. I do not think it is political and a lie to them. That is just me...lots of comments after the story, one posts a link of a story where the President is saying the border is more secure than ever...
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    pulling a gun on the abuser

    hopefully I'm not barking up the wrong tree here, but what are the laws about defending yourself against a family member who could be abusing you? *newslink at bottom* This could be spouse, parent, or child but the national news about this TX judge who was videotaped by his daughter whipping...
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    How would you handle this encounter?

    I was wondering how you all would handle this scenario below? Would it depend on your mood? Would it vary on different occaisons, or would you respond the same way every time? Hopefully this is in the right forum, and I had just been thinking about this with regards to other...
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    ATF says medical marijuana users can't buy guns of any kind I was wondering about the legal aspects of this, and if it is in fact legal to deny someone with a lawful prescription of cannabis to purchase a weapon for self-defense...
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    not sure why Ohio is so gun unfriendly It always seems like Ohio gun news, laws, gun incidents, lawsuits, etc are in the news moreso than other states whether it they be pro or con guns in general. I understand that there are some rough...
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    burglar's family gets 270 grand,0,6188947.story I don't think this is a drive-by, but have you ever noticed that these type of articles have very little detail or explanation? It seems...
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    I'm glad people like Chuck Norris are standing up for fellow Americans Does anyone else have a problem w/this? I am starting this thread because it is important to do what Chuck did: spread the word to everyone possible about this. Chuck doesn't lie, he scared them all away(sorry, I had to do...
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    Best revolver of all-time?

    This thread isn't a drive-by. The title speaks for itself. I wish I knew the answer to the question when you consider any & every variable.
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    crackdown on border state firearm sales OK, so is this just? If not, does it make sense and/or are there pro-gun TFL members who have no problem with this for the "greater good"? The article is interesting to say the least, and the NRA has obviously made...