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  1. M

    Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring-Kavanaugh Nominated

    He will retire at the end of July: Several people have supposed that the high court has not taken some of the 2A cases because there has not been a "solid" pro-2A majority. Maybe we'll find out if that's true.
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    S&W M&P M2.0 compact in IDPA CCP

    Does anyone know if the S&W M&P M2.0 compact with safety is legal in IDPA CCP division? The IDPA CCP test box is listed as 1 3/8" thick, and this gun is listed as 1.5" wide at the safety levers, but is 1.3" wide at the frame without safety levers. So, the version without safety would be legal...
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    2017 IDPA classifier

    As most of you IDPA shooters know, this year IDPA will start penalizing shooters 1 full second for each "down point" a shooter hits on the target, as opposed to 1/2 second previously. This places more emphasis on accuracy. Most of us, myself included, wonder whether this will improve or hinder...
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    Missouri House Bill 96

    A bill has been pre-filed in Missouri's House for consideration next year that would require some property owners to take responsibility for the safety of those they require to be unarmed in order to enter their premises. That's an interesting phrase, "custodial responsibility". I have not...
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    New NICS?

    From NSSF yesterday: What's happening? I can't find anything else about this on the web.
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    GFZ's in OKC?

    I'll be visiting Oklahoma City this weekend, and I'm wanting to know at which popular places I'll have to leave the gun in the car. I'm figuring the indoor museum portion of the National Memorial is one, but what about the grounds? What other places should I be aware of? Thanks in advance for...
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    Proposed changes to form 4473

    (I became aware of this in Stephen Wenger's DUF Digest.) FYI. ATF is considering changes to form 4473 and is accepting comments. At, Adam Kraut provides info about the proposal and writes...
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    The Alternative

    This is a new product that mounts in front of the muzzle of a gun, "catches" the bullet and then hits the target with much less velocity. The effect on the target is more like that of a bean bag. It only works for the first round fired, of course. Personally, I don't see law enforcement being...
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    Best shot I have ever heard of

    Apparently, officer Adam Johnson of Austin PD hit center mass at 312 feet away, strong hand only, stopping a shooter with an AK47 and other weapons. Almost unbelievable to me. But my hat's off to him...
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    Missouri overrides veto; gun rights expanded

    From an email I got today: ----- Missouri Firearms Law changes - Important information Last night the Missouri Legislators overrode Gov. Nixon's veto of Senate Bill 656. Takes effect in 30 days. This will result in important changes to the Missouri Firearms laws and represents a huge...
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    This time it's Panera Bread My wife likes Panera, but I'm not going there anymore. It is just ridiculous how many CEOs don't have enough of a spine to reject arguments from groups like Moms Demand Action. Edit: I see no...
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    Hornady 9mm Critical Duty recall

    FYI. If you bought any Hornady 9mm Critical Duty recently, check the lot number. 3141635 is being recalled.
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    Replacing grip on M&P15

    I haven't liked the bump on the grip of my S&W M&P15 so I bought a Magpul MOE, got out a big flat screwdriver, and... discovered the MP15 has some sort of 9-pointed nut (it appears) holding. Yes, 9. Not 6 or 12. So, how do it get this grip off? Any advise? Edit: Looks like maybe it's an...
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    Penalty in Arkansas

    What is the penalty for carrying concealed in a prohibited place (i.e. posted) in Arkansas? I can't find it on Nexus. No, I don't make a habit of it, but sometimes I don't notice a sign.
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    Shot timer for dry fire?

    Has anyone found a shot timer that works well for dry firing? I haven't had any success with the IPSC timer I downloaded. I realize the click is not very loud, maybe too faint to ever work compared to the sound of background noise or the gun being pulled out of a holster, etc. I don't mind...
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    Police shooting dash cam video

    This dramatic video of a recent local shooting was just released. Wow, there's all kinds of topics to discuss about this video. Some posibilities: 1. Shooting while retreating, and falling...
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    Witaschek case

    I have not seen this case discussed here. I am absolutely shocked that this sort of thing can happen in America. 30, count 'em 30, armed officers enter the home of Mark Witaschek to find... spent ammunition. They terrorize the teens (one of which is in the shower) and the adults by aiming...
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    St. Louis Zoo

    I'm wondering if some of you St. Louis area residents can help me out. I'll be visiting the St. Louis Zoo soon. Missouri law restricts firearms from the gated areas of an amusement park, but is the St. Louis Zoo considered an amusement park? If not, is it posted no firearms at the entrances...
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    Firearms vs seat belts

    We often make the analogy between carrying a gun and wearing a seatbelt because we never know when we might need either one. And when we do, it is a very rare occasion, perhaps once in a lifetime. So, how do the two events compare? Let’s see what the results are. The four choices in the poll...
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    Kentucky Expo Center

    I will be traveling to Louisville this summer, staying downtown, and attending an event at the Kentucky Expo Center, which is apparently also known as the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center. At I read the following: "Section 3. No person is licensed to enter or remain in any...