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  1. F


    I have a Ruger SP101 in 327FedMag, (bought new). I wanted it to use as one of my carry weapons. It would on occasion "bind" up part way through the trigger pull and if I released all trigger pressure then reapplied it would bypass that chamber but fire on the next one. (That IS NOT a carry...
  2. F

    Anybody exclusively using froglube?

    Wanting to give it a trial. I am thinking to get all the old gunk off I'll use regular gun cleaning supplies, then rubbing alcohol for final residue cleaning, instead of their solvent. Also leaning to just the paste clp versus the liquid, seems coverage would be at least as good, plus more...
  3. F

    XDs shakedown

    Took my XDs to the range yesterday for it's initial shooting. Not extensive, shot one each of my 4 magazines (2-5 round,2-7 round) Win, white box 230 gr FMJ. I experienced two failures to feed, 1 on each of the 7 round mags. I think both of them were on the 3rd round, (one might have been the...
  4. F

    XDs Owners

    I got one recently, and with the accessories that came with it there is an OWB holster. I have yet to give it a chance but 1st thoughts were basic and efficient. Did you try wearing it/do you wear it? Your thoughts on it.
  5. F

    failure to feed/cycle ammo for XDs?

    Got a .45 XDs coming. Want to get some FMJ ammo during the waiting period, but don't want to buy 1K rounds that don't work. (Have access to 1K round lots, not sure where I could get smaller sample sizes.) So, the question, has anyone had failure to feed/cycle/eject with any FMJ .45 ACP round in...
  6. F

    CA: Immediate Action Required!

    There are a bunch of anti-gun/anti-hunter bills on the floor of both chambers with more coming. PLEASE, call and email your Senator and Assemblyman and demand a NO vote on any and all of these bills. (It is crunch time and we're fixing to get screwed big time).
  7. F

    emotion based law?

    I think the use and abuse of emotion to facilitate and make new law should be banned.
  8. F

    "pie chart" showing aiming errors/bullet impact

    I've got a friend who is unhappy with the accuracy of his new handgun. We discussed different; ammo types/bullet weights/handloading etc. with regards to accuracy. I also wanted to show him that "pie chart' looking thing that shows bullet impact areas for likely operator error. i.e. gripping to...
  9. F

    Versacarry IWB

    Thinking about one for my LC9. Anybody using one? Pros? Cons?
  10. F


    Anyone here using a hand cannelure making tool? If you are; who makes it? how's it working for you? how much did it cost you? You know, just a little about it. I think I need one. I got a reasonable deal on a bunch of Rainier JHP bullets but without a cannelure. I realize that having to buy a...
  11. F

    Soliciting Opinions/Thoughts

    Is a medium warm "Special" load a safe starting "Magnum" load? Considering that the handgun is chambered for the magnum and the cases are 1/8" longer. Same bullet weight/type & same powder weight/type.