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    Privacy or More Government?

    "Over the summer, the Bush Administration revealed plans to appoint the first-ever U.S. chief privacy officer as part of the proposed Department of Homeland Security. This is significant because our government has generally resisted appointing a privacy officer." <FACISIOUS ON>Lucky...
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    High Standard H-E Slide Assembly

    Gang, Does anyone have a procedure for reassembling the slide on a Hi-Standard Model H-E (Circa late 1930's) .22 Semi? The hammer on this unit is a full hammer type. Any information would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.
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    Why Politics Divides People Why Politics Divides People by Gary Galles [Posted May 1, 2002] We are in the post-primary lull, before the campaign mud-slinging starts in earnest (California's governor's race being an exception, with Governor Gray Davis spending millions to...
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    Leahy killed Medal of Valor to 911 Personnel

    According to the New York Post (, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has single-handedly killed a bill, passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a 409-0 vote, to award the Presidential Medal of Valor to firefighters and policemen who responded to the 9-11 attack last year. Leahy...
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    Mail Order Ban Proposed by Waxman...

    Gang, In a previous thread ( ) you may recall Waxman attempting to candle the filming of the proceeding. I am posting the potential reason behind it. I find it distrubing to note that 'records' are to be kept. Time to put pen...
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    DMC's legal precedence case

    Gentleman, Being in the I.T. business, this one bugs me tremendously because the Feds are now testing the waters to now begin the process of closing the loop with technological issues surrounding implied encryption circumvention. It is okay for the Feds to now (1) eavesdrop on citizens; (2)...
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    Bob Stewart Case...

    A story I've been following, and one we should all be following closely... -------------------------------------------------------------- This news item was printed from Keep And Bear Arms For more 2nd Amendment Information visit Articles at
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    U.N. Would Rule World’s Children

    I was looking into the some of economic ramifications of Mises approach to economic problem solving and spotted this little tid-bit. So, how proactive are we? The gall of the premise on the UN's part: "a world fit for children...” as if God would not have provided for them! I don't know how...
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    Defending your life raises "uncertainty" for some

    Forwarded from Greg Knapp - Talk Show Host for 97.3 "The Sky" - Gainesville Florida ============================================== Defending your life raises "uncertainty" for some By Greg Knapp "Recent events raise uncertainty over legal weapons" screams the front-page headline of a recent...