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    Airport gun arrest backfires: Officer defied order Kudos to the officer and judge mentioned in the article.
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    Two more for the good guys

    Salt Lake City, UT Atlanta, FA
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    AR-15 in .45 ACP

    I've heard about AR-15's that use .45 ACP ammo and Thompson stick magazines, do you know who makes them or where I can find these uppers?
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    Lever Action .44Mag

    I want a lever action .44 magnum to go with my Desert Eagle .44 and S&W 629. The two front runners are: * Marlin 1894 Cowboy * Winchester Model 94 Legacy Both look great, but, it never hurts to get more opinions.
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    Turnipseed Stance

    I'd never heard of it until I read a short article on it in the latest Combat Handguns. I also checked out his website: Are any of you familiar with this technique? Does it work? I was impressed by the picture of him firing a 12-gauge while seated with his feet off...
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    Good Luck to this Citizen
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    An interesting article about LFI The article is written by a painfully liberal reporter who has his eyes opened by Massad Ayoob and LFI. Did he come around? Read it and see what you think. (You may be put off by his attitude in the first part, but stick with it.)
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    Jan. Price Increase?

    I was at my local gun shop & range talking about purchasing a new pistol. During the course of this discussion, he said that starting in January, gun makers will implement a $100 price increase on their guns. He did not mention the reason for the increase. I can only assume it has to do...
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    A million rounds a minute...
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    TIME Gun Poll

    Time is running a poll about gun control: let's give them our opinion:
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    My first Rifle

    This past weekend at the Eastman Gun show in Gwinett County, GA, I purchased a (new) "Loaded" Springfield Armoury M1A with black fiberglass stock and carbon-steel barrel for $1180, including tax. What a beauty! I think I got a great deal, too. I can't wait go get it on the range. Thanks for...
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    Which AR-15

    At least two of my friends are contemplating a new AR-15 rifle. They want to know which brand to buy. What do you think? A) Armalite B) Bushmaster C) Colt D) Olympic Arms E) Other (please specify) F) Does it really matter? Get the one you can afford.
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    Which .308 rifle to buy?

    I am contemplating my first rifle, the features I want are: .308 Winchester, self loading, semi-automatic. The three designs of rifles I have looked at are: 1) AR-10 (specifically the Armalite AR-10) 2) FN-FAL (for example the FN-FAL Sporter .308 Semi-Auto) 3) HK G3 (I have not found a genuine...