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  1. M

    Constitution Day ...A lament

    Yesterday was Constution Day....To think of what our forefathers gave up for us...not just the signers of the Declaration of Independance or the Constitution, but for all the men and their families of all the wars we fought for the cause of Freedom, when in fact all have died in vain , for the...
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    "We must fight"...Something to ponder.

    March 20, 1775 Mr. President: It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for...
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    Hillary poll...go vote!

    Here's a chance to show what you think of Hillary's Chances.... ___________________________________________ " When the representatives of the people betray their constituents there is no resource left but in the exertion of the original right of self defense...
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    Hillary poll...go vote!

    Here's a chance to show what you think of Hillary's Chances.... ___________________________________________ " When the representatives of the people betray their constituents there is no resource left but in the exertion of the original right of self defense...
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    Fighting for Our Freedom

    Fighting for our rights ! In this modern day war of words and lawsuits, with the Constitutionally enumerated , God given Rights being under attack from multiple quarters I ponder the question; Why aren't the good guys using the best possible defense... a strong offense? Is it because of a...
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    Are you ready for this?

    Gentlemen: " When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to disolve the bonds which have connnected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent...
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    History with a twist....

    HOW THE REPUBLIC WAS LOST OR FROM REPUBLIC TO OLIGARCHY The Conversion of the United States through the application of Grand Scale SociologicalEngineering by the Power Elite. The title statement, "The conversion of the United States through the application of grand scale...
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    A bit of newer history....

    HOW THE REPUBLIC WAS LOST OR FROM REPUBLIC TO OLIGARCHY The Conversion of the United States through the application of Grand Scale SociologicalEngineering by the Power Elite. The title statement, "The conversion of the United States through the application of grand scale...
  9. M

    2nd A , a new refreshing explaination. Charlie Reese is one our few stars in the news room. Read and pass it on. ------------------ What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
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    Charlie Reese... a patriot in the press! A short,modern analysis of the 38 words of the 2nd A. ------------------ What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
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    How the Republic was lost !

    HOW THE REPUBLIC WAS LOST OR FROM REPUBLIC TO OLIGARCHY The Conversion of the United States through the application of Grand Scale SociologicalEngineering by the Power Elite. The title statement, "The conversion of the United States through the application of grand scale...
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    It's the Constitution STUPID !!!

    We all know we need a return to the Constitution, and we all bemoan how this is a problem or that is a problem with the government and we basically give it only lip service and continue to moan; but there is a relatively simple solution...... what is this miracle you ask??? VOTING !!! yes we...
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    Crisis of Confidence

    Today the 4th of July, my wife, myself and my 20 yr old headed to the Capitol Steps here in nearby DC to witness the concert and the tremendous fireworks display that we have watched so many times before on TV when we lived in other places and had said ... one day we are going to go and be a...
  14. M

    Earth First's Motto... an idea ???

    " Think Globally ; Act Locally " its Earth First's motto that a friend reminded me of , but it really fits our situation... If the local Sheriff ( the highest Constitutional officer ) of a community will not order the disarming of a county, and calls out his " posse comitatus " then the rest...
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    Time to change the face of the NRA !!!

    Gentlemen: I propose that it is past time for a major change at the NRA. The primary one being the outster of Wayne La Pierre. He is a poor spokesman, rarely knows the correct Constitutional answer in rebuttal to the Anti's, and is hell bent on this deferal of topic , instead of direct...
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    The 2nd A. has its day in court !

    Well there's hope after all !!! Fed Dist Judge Sam R. Cummings in US v. Emerson wrote a beautiful opinion in his dismissal of a Federal gun indictment relating to the domestic violence law. HE ruled in favor of Emerson who had been indicted on five counts of felony possion of a firearm, for...
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    Charlie Reese Article

    Tragedy-fueled push for more gun control is based on a lie. Charley Reese The Orlando Sentinel May 18, 1999. The current push for more federal gun control is fueled by the Littleton, Colo., tragedy and based on a lie, which is repeated over and over not only by gun-control ideologues but by...
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    Essays for Sharing

    See if you like this.... This is for all of us to get the message out to our fellow Americans.
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    A Forefathers thought...

    " If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, then there is no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers may be exerted with...
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    Enforcement of the Bill of Rights!!!

    Where is the enforcement of the Bill of Rights in the United States of America??? In this upcoming election cycle , we must pound every politician with the question of where do they stand on the Enforcement of the Bill of Rights. If we got no more committment than that one committment from...