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    James Keenan has passed away ...

    It is with great sadness and a great sense of loss that we have to report the passing of James Keenan in December. He was known here as "James K". Jim, as he preferred to be called, was a great contributor to TFL and many other firearms boards. He was also the moderator of the Firearms...
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    Denis Prisbrey passed away

    It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Denis Prisbrey, known as DPris around here. He was far too young at age 66. He was one of the most helpful members we have ever had. RIP Denis...
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    Before You Submit that Post....

    ... please read this: Before You Submit that Post....
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    Vote on your preference for Rifle forums

    We have given the new format for the Rifle forums a fair chance for acceptance. Now it's time to decide if the new format (three separate rifle forums) is preferable to the original single forum. We want your opinion on this in the form of a vote. You can, of course, comment on the formats...
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    Handgun recalls

    This thread will be the repository for links to all handgun recall threads. Any discussion of the recall should be carried out in the specific recall thread. If you become aware of a recall that has not been added to this thread, please create a thread with the specifics of the recall including...
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    Rifle recalls

    This thread will be the repository for links to all rifle recall threads. Any discussion of the recall should be carried out in the specific recall thread. If you become aware of a recall that has not been added to this thread, please create a thread with the specifics of the recall including a...
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    July 2008 Photo Contest Voting Poll

    Vote for your favorite photo in the contest thread. The entries in the voting poll are listed in the order in which they were received. Discussion of the photos and photographers is allowed in this thread.
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    Auto logout

    Has anyone else been automatically logged out during a session on TFL? I will be reviewing the forums and refresh the main index page and *poof* I'm no longer logged in. The forums go all blue like I hadn't viewed anything recently and I have to re-login at the bottom of the screen. This...
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    George Washington in the 20th century

    Normally I wouldn't tell you all about a TV comedy show that was produced over 30 years ago. But, I was working late tonight and Nick at Night was on with the old Bewitched show (2:30 AM EDST). I don't think I have seen that show since the 70's. Anyway, one of Samantha's friends accidently...
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    Origin of the four rules of gun safety

    I have always heard that the Four Rules were attributed to Col. Jeff Cooper. We even have that attribute in our Firearms Safety section. In the latest issure of American Rifleman (Aug., 2000), the son of the late, great Finn Aagaard, Harald Aagaard, said: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1"...
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    Removing bolt from Ithaca 37

    Does anyone have any words of wisdom as to how to remove the bolt from an Ithaca Mod. 37 SG? I've got the stock, trigger/hammer group and shell ejector removed. But it isn't obvious what the next move is to get the bolt out. Do you have to remove the corn cob to get the actuator bar out? If...
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    Oiled primer experiment

    There has been a lot of discussion on what happens to a primer when oil is allowed to get on the primer of a loaded round. The consensus seems to be that the primer will fail. I decided to try a series of experiments to see if this is really true. I used all WLP primers and .44 Mag cases. The...
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    Barney Fife and gun safety

    I was watching the Andy Griffith show last night and was surprised to see Barney give some gun safety lessons to one of Opie's friends. What surprised me was that he used almost exactly the same words as Jeff Cooper uses in laws 1 & 2. [Barney Fife accent on] "Treat every gun as if it is...
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    New moderators on the block

    Some of you have probably noticed the new names in the "moderated by" line for this forum. Oleg and I have joined Walt to take some of the load off the current moderators and administrators. They have certainly done a yeoman's job keeping all of us "in line" since TFL took it's first breath...
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    A suggestion for all members to help with server load

    If you are like the vast majority of the members you log into TFL several times daily, so it would help the server problem if you set your "Default Topic View" setting to "Show topics from last day", if you haven't already done so. Just opening a forum is a form of search, so this could easily...
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    Bren and Sten origins

    Last night on The American Shooter on TNN, they had a short, but interesting, history of the Bren and Sten guns. They said the name Bren was made from a combination of Brno and Enfield, the two collaborating labs on the design. But they didn't say how the name Sten originated. Does anyone...
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    What to do with a gun design idea?

    Correia (and Sabre62), You can do a preliminary patent search using IBM's patent site. They have access to all patents, however, this will not be as exhaustive a search as a patent atty can do for you since IBM's on-line data only goes back to 1971. As an example, I searched for "gun sight"...
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    Metal and Wood

    I was just reading George Hill's web site and saw that he included "Metal and Wood". When I got to "The Wall" I had to pause for a second, as always. It is a excellent work written by our own Dennis (the moderator of this very forum) practically on the spur of the moment a few months ago...
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    Tip on updating cooky

    I discovered a feature of this BB that you all may know about, but if not, it helps keep your cooky up to date. I tend to read a lot of notes and stay on TFL for quite a while. During this time several new notes are usually posted by other TFL'ers. When you come back the next time, the new...