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    Company working on Ballistic stamping of shell casings and taggants for explosives

    Gun Add-On Sets Sights on Killers By Louise Knapp Story location:,1282,55947,00.html 02:00 AM Oct. 25, 2002 PT A device that can be incorporated into any type of firearm aims to make it harder for criminals to get away with murder. Every time a weapon...
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    ATTN NYS Sportsmen- Gunowners

    Also read this to include Gunowners because they will be attacked also through this process. New York Initiative Bill Must be Defeated to Save Hunting in the State- (05/06) New York New York Residents Only The New York Senate has overwhelmingly approved a bill that could make it...
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    No longer under the gun

    Apologies if this was already posted: No longer under the gun Sunday, May 12, 2002 By WILLIAM FREEBAIRN Robert L. Scott, president and chief executive officer of Smith & Wesson, is shown last month on the stairs at the company's Springfield headquarters near a portrait of Daniel B...
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    Illinois Suburb Sterilizes Deer (Your Tax Dollars at Work)

    Suburb sterilizes deer instead of killing them Chicago Tribune | 3/26/02 | Amanda Vogt Posted on 3/26/02 6:08 AM Pacific by Tumbleweed_Connection Shooting deer with contraceptive darts hasn't culled the burgeoning herds. Neither have birth control pills. And now--in a radically different...
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    Gun Control Bills Headed for Floor Votes Soon (Federal)

    Washington - Gun Control Bills Heading For Floor Votes!! For the first time since 1994, gun control bills are being pushed through committees and heading for floor votes. HB 1604 and Senate Bills 6239, 6273, and 6699 all seek to add new restrictions on where lawful Right to Carry permit holders...
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    Latest NRA-ILA Fax Alert 2/1/02 (CFR up for Vote Soon)

    CAMPAIGN FINANCE "REFORM" LOOMS AS THREAT TO FREE SPEECH The McCain-Feingold/Shays-Meehan campaign finance "reform" bills (S. 27 and H.R. 2356, respectively) are poised for action in the very near future. Last week, proponents of the House of Representatives` version of this legislative...
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    Hunting News from France

    After two decades of delay France finally agrees to anti-hunting laws By John Lichfield in Paris 30 January 2002 After 23 years of procrastination and hair-splitting, the French government has finally agreed to implement a European law which protects wild birds from hunters for much of the year...
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    Blount Sells Outdoor Group?

    Actually, I just heard on another forum that Blount sold or is about to sell their entire outdoor group to Alliant. Also heard they no longer make Custom dies at RCBS. Yes, Alliant Techsystems, the powder company. Anybody have any further info on this? Regards
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    RCBS Sold?

    Actually, I just heard on another forum that Blount sold or is about to sell their entire outdoor group to Alliant. Yes, Alliant Techsystems, the powder company. Anybody have any further info on this? Thought I'd post it here because it's largely handloading related. Regards
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    Sterling/Ithaca X-Caliber Single Shot Pistol

    Hello All, Anybody have one of these pistols out there? Looking for some backround info on this gun. I believe Ithaca offered it for a few years but have been unable to get any info from them on it. Not sure if they bought out Sterling or just bought the rights for this gun only. Is anybody...
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    Sterling/Ithaca X-Caliber S/shot Pistol

    Hello All, Anybody have one of these pistols out there? Looking for some backround info on this gun. I believe Ithaca offered it for a few years but have been unable to get any info from them on it. Not sure if they bought out Sterling or just bought the rights for this gun only. Is anybody...
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    American Shooter

    Greetings All, I just received an email from Jim Scoutten indicating the new shows for this season start July 7th. Jim also commented, "The new TNN management is watching closely to see how important our audience thinks American Shooter is. The ratings this season will determine the future for...
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    Hard Chrome Question

    Hello All, Is it possible to have one of the Industrial Hard Chrome (SSK, MagnaLife, etc.) finishes applied to say, a Contender barrel that has been sand blasted and blued already? Or would it have to be polished again first? Thanks!
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    Every Handgun Is Aimed at YOU!

    Check these reviews to Josh Sugerman's latest $20 drivel book;
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    American Handgunner and Smith & Wesson

    The following was taken from Free Republic in regard to American Handgunner Magazines support of Smith & Wesson. This is offered for comment: Here is the URL for the thread: I received this reply from The editor of American Handgunner...
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    Article on Anti-Gun Media bias

    Media slant changing on gun issues By Dr. Michael S. Brown web posted January 29, 2001 American news organizations have been accused of having an anti-gun bias for decades. A study by the Media Research Center, for example, claimed a 10 to 1 bias in stories broadcast on network evening news...
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    Group Dishes Up Hot Pro-Gun Ads

    This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit Thursday, January 25, 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group dishes up...
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    MMM Speaker on trial for Ambush Shooting

    Woman Goes on Trial In Ambush Shooting By Donna St. George Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, January 24, 2001 ; Page B01 It started as a few tears in a mother's eyes, the dab of a tissue, a muffled sob. Barbara Graham was...
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    S.C.O.P.E. to initiate Lawsuit against NYS and Governor Pataki

    SCOPE (Shooters Committee on Political Education) initiates lawsuit against Pataki and the State of New York. Following passage of the governor’s extensive gun control package last year, the SCOPE Board of Directors appointed a committee to investigate...
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    New Mossberg DA Model Pump Gun (Anti-Lawyer Model)

    New Mossberg O F Mossberg & Sons, Inc.. , an industry leader in pump-action security and sporting shotgun manufacturing, has introduced the new 590DA - the first "Double Action" 12 Ga. pump shotgun ever offered to the law enforcement and civilian communities. The new 590DA is based on the...