Search results

  1. 1

    .270 vs. .30-06

    I am just wondering if the .270 does anything better than the .30-06? Vice versa?
  2. 1

    Lightweight scope for my lightweight rifle?

    I am looking for a lightweight scope. I will be hunting whitetail and mule deer as well as elk in the mountains, making decently long shots at 300-400 yards. I paid all this money for a lightweight rifle, so now I would like to pay lots of money for a lightweight scope. ;) What are my options...
  3. 1

    How are the gun laws and political climate in Idaho and Montana?

    I am thinking of moving to Montana or Idaho. How are the gun laws there? And to anyone that lives there, how is the general atmosphare about guns and freedom in these places? I want to live in or near the mountains, away from big cities, and I want to be FREE. I would prefer to be as far...
  4. 1

    Most reliable and accurate "assault rifle" in .308?

    I am looking for an accurate and reliable .308 battle rifle. I have looked at the L1A1 and the Galil .308, but I don't know of any others. It seems that I can get a post ban L1A1 for about $550 and a Galil .308 for about $750 (both over on I have never handled any of...
  5. 1

    My reloads are hitting to the left, how do I fix them?

    Factory ammo seems to be hitting center, but my reloads are hitting way to the left. I am getting one ragged hole about an inch or more to the left at 7 yards with my reloads. That is pretty bad because at 25 yards or so I have to aim practically off the target to the right in order to get...
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    "The NRA is genius; the ACLU look like fools" (WTC)

    I was listening to the radio show "Loveline" last night with Adam Corolla and Dr. Drew Penski (Hey, it was the only station that came in out in the middle of nowhere). These guys are on the liberal side on most issues. Therefore I was surprised that they pointed out that the liberals and the...
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    Muslim Taliban issues decree for all non-Muslims to wear a yellow cloth badge

    This is an example of what we are dealing with. The militant radical Muslims are basically no different than the Hitler regime in the making....Except that the Muslims are far more united and dedicated than Hitler ever dreamed....and they are gaining power and converts at a record pace...
  8. 1

    Congress condemns Terorrism?? BFD!

    I heard on the radio that Congress has put out an official unanimous condemnation of terrorism. Ooh Aah! I bet those terrorists are shaking in their boots now! We told them good! An official condemnation....Is this all we sissies are going to do is waste time telling them that they are...
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    What's their next target?

    I have the uncomfortable feeling that there is a part two planned for this terrorist attack. Probably the West coast since all of our resources on an the East coast right now. For instance, if we attack Bin Laden with vengeance, he has a next target, probably worse than what we have seen...
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    Head injuries up %50 with mandatory helmet laws

    I saw a clip on the local news that said that a recent study was released showing that in the last 10 years, head injuries on bicycles have risen %50 with the introduction of mandatory helmet laws. That is a huge increase! Bicycle injuries already account for many thousands of children deaths...
  11. 1

    Need gun control facts websites to pass on to FOX reporter

    I am chatting with a reporter from FOX that many of us are familiar with (Wendy McElroy). I would like to send her a list of web sites that offer reliable information on gun control facts and fallacies. Information like FBI/DOJ stats on women using guns to prevent rape and such like that that...