Search results

  1. S

    The Cat

    I have always wanted to hunt the big Cat. He is every bit man's equal and better. Some kill only to eat or defend themselves or their young.Some kill for the sheer love of killing. Guys like our North american Cougar(protected) warns you once, when you enter his domain. You will not hear his...
  2. S

    Need your input

    Hey Guys I have used this site called C&R Buds Military Firearms when ever I was contemplating the value/price of someting I wanted to trade/buy/sell.Those of you who are familiar with it How accurate are his prices/values??
  3. S

    My 1917

    Hello everyone it's been a while, but I've been busy Sometimes it takes just a little interaction with that gun you've been thinking of getting rid of. I had planned on trading my M1917 and took her to the range this past Friday for what would have been the last time before she went out for bid...
  4. S

    Take a guess at this one

    I have had this gun for a number of years Let me know what you think