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  1. B

    Wave of crime hits USA - may we discuss this?

    In a recently closed post on .22 Magnums, someone asked if "flash mobs" were really a matter relevant to personal self-defense, and noted that he may have missed some relevant news. I replied by linking to an article by John T. Bennett of Accuracy in Media noting that the media had, in fact...
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    Non-marring punch?

    I have to drift out the front sight blade on my Remington 870 (to replace it with tritium). I am to use a "plastic or other non-marring punch". All I have is mean old steel center punches. I've never seen any gentle looking punches anywhere. Any ideas as to a substitute? Bic pen with the...
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    Lee-Enfield No. 4 foresight replacement

    I have a Lee-Enfield No. 4, factory thorough repair, shiny nice barrel. It shoots beautifully, theoretically. Problem is the original front sight was way too short. I ordered some new foresights of various heights, but they are slightly different - split base instead of solid base. My...
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    Mr. Smith's beautiful, mysterious .45s (ACP)

    I really have my heart set on one of these beautiful (625), old-fashioned and elegant (1917), wicked-looking (325), or Dirty Harry Classic (25) Smith revolvers chambered for John Browning's short fat wonderbaby. (I think the baby is 102 years old this year? Something like that?) Anyway, I'm...
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    Choosing rail forends (870)

    I am increasingly looking at forend-mounted rails for mounting a flashlight to my 870 Express*. I may also go with a laser, particularly if I decide against a tritium front or if I can't find anything that will fit. (I have a 20" with Remington factory rifle sights; I think the XS Big Dot for...
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    Paint for fixed revolver sights

    I am finding it pretty hard to see my plain, silver-colored revolver sights in low light. Using a flashlight sometimes makes it better, sometimes worse. The tritium sights solution won't work for me, since both my Smiths have their sights integral to the rest of the weapon (my next S&W will...
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    Having trouble with Rogers/SureFire

    SureFire G2Z S&W 642 Centennial Airweight (.38 Special, 2") S&W 64 (.38 Special, 4") This problem pertains especially to the 642. When I practice Rogers-style flashlight & handgun shooting, when I hold naturally, my trigger finger bumps into bumps into my left index finger, which is atop the...
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    Design my Rig

    My goal is: Semi-serious competition in shooting sports, to include at least centerfire silhouette shooting and the "Any Rifle Any Sight" division of High Power. A semi-serious competition gun means one where, if I lose I know it's because of me (and I don't mind losing). Some criteria...
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    Cowboy Sniper Question

    So I finally read Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. (It really is as good as they say.) I tuned into the miniseries a bit about ten years ago and the only thing I remember is Robert Duvall using a rifle with a tang sight. (I imagine it was a Vernier.) As intended, he has great range with it...