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  1. C

    That Was No Accident by Duncan Long

    Here is an interesting view on gun control as a part of population reduction. Unfortunately the article is too long to post. The URL is . Comments?
  2. C

    DZ opened up the Airgun can of worms!

    Ok, I have been lurking since this forum started. DZ hit a hot spot with a post on the political forum. I love airguns because they allow me to shoot every day. I have two favorites, and IZH match pistol and a Career 707 rifle. The IZH is an Olympic class, single stroke pneumatic with a...
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    A bill to repeal the Federal Reserve Act

    Rep. Ron Paul, R-TX, introduced a bill that would repeal the Federal Reserve Act and abolish the Federal Reserve Board, H. R. 1148. Read the story at World Net Daily . This is a chance for this country to finally have...
  4. C

    H. R. 514 Scanner Bill

    There is a bill that just passed in the House. It will modify the conditions in which a scanner can be used. The language in the bill is such that the courts could determine that the very act of listening to a scanner would be illegal. For more information see ...
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    UN day

    Saturday, September 24 is UN day. Do you love your freedom and your country? Show your support for a sovereign United States of America. Fly our nation’s flag upside down. When people ask you about this, explain the distress signal expressed by flying the flag upside down and the problems...