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  1. B

    Swat at my home again! Several years ago, swat was called out for a standoff two houses down, guy with a gun...
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    Where should I draw the line on high powered defensive guns?

    With a good hit, most people seem to agree that a 9mm or .40 with good defensive ammunition is enough to stop a threat in most cases. Some insist that nothing short of a .357 or .45 ACP should be used as a defensive carry gun. I am just asking, where do we draw that line? When do we reach a...
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    Looks like there may be trouble looming. A man was shot to death by police the other day because he appeared to have a violent psychotic attack and attacked two police officers who were...
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    would it be alright to post an inquiry about identifying a truly bizarre knife?

    This thing appeared in a box in an attic and I can only suspect that it is an abattoir throat slitting knife. i can't get a photo posted yet. The thing has a wooden grip with four holes in the steel behind the grip. The grip is at a right angle to the blade. The only way to hold this thing...
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    visitor at my door.

    Several nights ago, I answered the door to a person who I didn't recognize, who turned out to be a friend of a neighbor who I had met a number of times. he had a haircut and wasn't wearing a hat; this is why I didn't recognize him at first sight. He has always been well mannered, intelligent...
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    missouri bullet company article on gas checks.

    I'm not really sure how to attribute this post as it was posted to their facebook page. Here is the page of of the company, Here is the url of the post. I'm pasting the text here as I'm not sure if everyone can access the facebook page and it doesn't seem to be...
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    what sort of damage does the .50 BMG do to living beings?

    It can't possibly be as destructive as we have been led to believe. The thing has a meplat the size of a grain of sand, a needle profile, and should squirt right through meat like it wasn't even there, leaving no more damage behind than any good hunting round with expanding bullets. Anyone...
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    neighborhood watch thoughts?

    maybe not the place to ask it. if not, delete or move. How many actually participate in neighborhood watch programs? When you do, do you go armed? do your laws support a stand your ground scenario? How deeply into the dark places will you go, how far into a confrontation will you go? Do...
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    Thoughts on an animal attack?

    Ten years ago, a deputy shot and killed a "black panther" that appeared to be menacing an old woman in a semi-rural area. It was a domestic escapee or release, and in no way did it have to die, but analyzing the details, there never seemed to be any other choice. The circumstances were just...
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    shooting in intersection with standing traffic. Any thoughts?

    That's not something I want to be involved in. The guy responded a lot quicker than I would have been able to. It seems that it took about three seconds from first shot fired until the second was out into the street and shooting down the road at the other bad guy. Yes, they are both bag guys...
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    I wish I could train myself to do this.

    I have always kept myself aware when in public. I have never spent a lot of time in stop and rob stores, until lately, I live on coffee from them. When I walk into a business of any sort, I carefully look over the body language of the people to gather information relevant to their reason to...
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    Wondering about hollow points.

    I recently found a bunch of 9mm 147 grain plated hollow points in my bench. They're not for combat, they probably won't expand any way, and they make the bullet longer, so to get a proper oal they have to be seated deeper, reducing powder space. Velocities are akin to .38 spl 158 grain. The...
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    I'm making some buttons.

    Could someone sell me a few old time rimmed brass cartridges. Such as .44special, .38 or 44-40, .38 colt or smith,anything with a rim diameter larger than a hornet up to .45 colt. I don't care if it's shootable, I'm cutting the case heads off. What is important is that the headstamps are...
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    How do you acquire your pistol bullets, and what type?

    I'm curious about how loaders on this forum source their bulk use handgun bullets, such as 9mm. Don't consider how you load your casul, just the bulk stuff. I'm running a poll to see how many people here actually use home casting to supply a majority of their target pistol rounds.
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    Rumor regarding defending statues with deadly force.

    A person formerly associated with a department in tx blogged a post containing text ostensibly taken from Texas statutes. He stated plainly defense against the destruction of a statue by deadly force. I believe that...
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    Is the lubrisizer dead?

    How many people still cast, how many cast in such a dedicated way that they will absolutely have to have one on the bench? I took mine off. I'm just too old to care, I started buying bullets. I might even sell it, but why? It would be pointless to get rid of all casting equipment and lead just...
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    can anyone explain this?

    A broken and discarded trapdoor found at little bighorn, credited to indians, all damage seems to be deliberate, and the curators say that it was done by the owner of the weapon. Myself, after a whole lot of thinking and finding lots of reasons to believe it, that certainly looks more like...
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    Pieta, uberti

    Several threads, but I didn't get any ideas from them. Both come in .357, 5.5 barrel, blue cased, and it seems that there is a fifty dollar premium for uberti. .44 special would be nice, but I'd be a whole lot smarter to do .357. Uberti seems to have a nearly universal approval rating, I...
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    Can someone help me with knife steels?

    Hopefully, mAybe not. Here's the story. I found this ridiculous thing for $30 or so, and bought it as a wall hanger. I have some incredible walnut that I've cut to replace the plastic. I...
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    Chaos still rules. The other day at a grocery store, we had packed up and we were getting into the car when I heard yelling at the other end of the lot. Scabby looking guy was walking a direct path to my car. Wife got in, I sat down but didn't close the door. He turned and walked past her...