Search results

  1. E

    If you had to choose one.....

    Hey guys, I already know what many of you would say (one of each ) if you had the option , but you don't in this HYPOTHETICAL question ( Very important stipulation ) So if you had to choose just ONE all around long gun on a budget, what would you choose ? Shotgun or Rifle ? If Rifle , what...
  2. E

    PDX1 vs HST vs Ranger .40

    So I've done some down home country redneck ballistics tests the past few days. This is by no means professional or scientific ..... Just some curiosity when choosing a SD round for my Glock 23. This is also by no means an advertisement. First test had approx 18" of soaked wet newspaper...
  3. E

    Substitute .25 trgger job compound ?

    .25 Trigger Job questions. I am trying to get the guts to do my own .25 Trigger job. I'm not trying to reduce Pull weight but to just smooth out the pre-travel smoothness. I have a Headlight polishing kit that I haven't used ...
  4. E

    Question for the - "Keep one in the pipe" - ers

    So I carry my Glock 23 without the chamber loaded. I practice with drawing and racking the slide in the process of coming onto target. Now I've read all the people talking about the " That half a second difference " Or " In the moment of stress it's one less thing to think about "...
  5. E

    Inexpensive Defensive .40 round ?

    So I love the Winchester Ranger Talons , I got a box of twenty when I first got my Glock 23 and have only 4 left that I've saved after checking the reliability and accuracy in my Glock. The Talons seem a bit hard to get and expensive at the moment, perhaps having the best of the best is not...
  6. E

    What would be the proper Protocol ....?

    Last year there was a shooting in the parking lot of a Grocery store that I had just been at 2 hours before it happened. ( and visit frequently with my children ) I've often asked myself how I would have handled this had I been there in that parking lot when this happened. ( without my kids...
  7. E

    Leaving Ammo in the clip ?

    During the winter months after the Ammo shortage of '09 I haven't done alot of shooting lately. I had my Glock 23 stored in it's home defense position most of the past 5 months .... and recently have picked up some new ammo and am preparing to head back out to the outdoor ranges. I was...
  8. E

    How to avoid the CC "Tail" (Supertuck)

    Hey guys , I was wondering if some of you Supertuck owners could give me some advice on the clip configuration, location and cant you use to help avoid the "tail" of tghe Grip base sticking out when you bend over or squat. My Crossbreed Supertuck is very comfortable , but I can't seem to...
  9. E

    Interesting Q&A from an Attempted Robery victim
  10. E

    A bipartison Video documentary.....

    They very well may have been posted before , and will be too long for most to be willing to watch.... I post it here because it includes at 1:33 the 2nd amendment and issues regarding firerarms.... This is a Video documentary about our government...
  11. E

    Question about the Glock trigger job...

    So I've seen some videos and read up on how to polish the trigger and chang ethe connector.... My question though is more of a " what does this solve " ? I'm not sure I am fully understanding what this does when people say "smoother" trigger etc... The one issue I am not a big fan of...
  12. E

    Anyone seen the new "patriot Microchip" ? :cool:
  13. E

    Personal experience ....

    Personal experience ... (slightly reworded question) So as I read through many of the tactics and questions from so many people about " What would you do if ... ? " " How would you handle ... ? " While I think it's fantastic to imagine the various scenarios and try and drill into ourselves a...
  14. E

    I learned at the range today ....

    Ever had one of those range sessions where it's like you learned so many things .... it's hard to keep up with them all ? I had one today.... Tell us what you learned today while practicing/training/shooting for fun .... Today I learned : 1- I prefer my Glock with the "butt plug" 2- I...
  15. E

    Glock Limpwrist failures ....

    A good video that shows the issues with it.... Found this while researching the conversion barrels. For those that doubt the Glock Limp Wrist issue..... Evidence at 3:35.
  16. E

    Glock after market barrels ?

    I've seen some nice looking and well reviewed competition barrels for the Glocks. I love the look of the Stainless steel and see many of them are truly supported barrels (all of them ? ) as opposed the less supported barrel of the stock glock. My question is , while they claim better...
  17. E

    Weaver vs Isosceles

    Today was the first time I'd heard much about the "isosceles" stance ... I had always been taught the push/pull of the Weaver... I see this is an old thread and hasn't been discussed for a while , so I'm looking for some new opinions. What seems to work best for you all. I do ok out to...
  18. E

    Thoughts on price difference ?

    First you have the Mossberg 500 3-in-1. $369 Two barrels , 28" and 18.5" Pistol Grip More or less turns it into a Cruiser type Shotgun with hunting cabailities. Then you have the Cruiser ...
  19. E

    Glock 23 and Blazer Brass 180gr ?

    Anyone else had issues with this ammo in this gun ? I've heard of the often mentioned " What your gun likes" but never really understood if that was a brand/make or just a grain weight. From the first time I shot my Glock it's gone like this : Magtech Ammo 180gr from the local Range ...
  20. E

    Promising shift in 2nd ammendment advocates ?

    Here in Sotuhwestern VA so close to the heart of the Virginia Tech shootings. The past two years and especially the last 6 months has seen a VERY large increase in gun sales and applications for CCW permits. So I wonder , how many of you...