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  1. K

    CCW and Prescription Drugs

    Okey-dokey, I'm on other gun boards so if you've already seen this, move on... A good friend of mine wants to apply for Kalifornia CCW (I guess my recent success was inspiring!). Has no criminal record (adult or otherwise), only a few traffic tickets over five years ago, and is basically...
  2. K

    Concealed Carry On Military Base in PRK?

    I want to go to the air show at Edwards AFB, and I'm certain I'll have my license by then... Should probably leave the gun at home, even though I'm licensed to carry it? Just curious...
  3. K

    CCW Qualification - Great Experience

    I didn't know whether to put this here or in the Live Fire column, but I finished my qualification with John at Sentinel Services in Burbank, CA. He was very calm, rather humorous ("You're shaking like a dog tryin' to pass a peach pit" while watching me trying to shoot lefthanded with my...
  4. K


    Jeez, I thought this saga was NEVER going to end! I spent over four months on this, two denial letters, sent out letters, made phone calls, and complained... And I go in for fingerprinting on the 31st! Yeee HAAAAAAAAAAA :D :D :D :D Now that I've gotten that, I plan to also get permits...
  5. K

    What happened to the 1911 Forum?

    I was a regular poster there, and was actually composing a post when suddenly, I get redirected to a page that says the forum is down until further notice, so sorry. And no other explanation. Does anyone know what happened to the webpage? It was a really good forum, too...