Search results

  1. W

    Traveling with gun to Western NY state?

    I may be traveling to and from ( same day ) Western NY and need to know some NY hand gun laws. From what I recall there is some sort of free passage law ( federal ? ) that allows a person legal in their home state to travel to from through a restricted state. Does that apply to NY? The other...
  2. W

    You've been shot,. . Now what?

    I've seen extensive discussion / training on holsters, draw, grip, sight picture. . . on and on, but nothing on what to expect / do when you have actually taken a hit. Is there anything to prepare for? Change of tactics? Something else? There seems to be the assumption that once the BG gets...
  3. W

    Fed laws concering powder / primer sales storage?

    Someone I know claims: There is a federal law that only 5 LB of powder can be kept in one location without a permit. Purchases of 4 lb or more powder must be registered. ( the seller must take the ID of the purchaser ) The govt tracks who buys primers and how many. Don't buy reloading...
  4. W

    Difficulty getting parts for a LCR / internals now hands off?

    Between teardown and reassembly, the cylinder latch spring ran off. ( The spring that pops up the flag that stops the cylinder from rotating. ) Ruger says the spring is factory fit only even though they are listed in the parts list. Some parts are tagged factory fit only, but they are items...
  5. W

    Standard measurement of barrel to grip angle?

    Is there a standard way to measure barrel to grip angle? If not, I'd like to come up with a way to compare revolvers and semis to find what guns are a close match. I've thought about using center line of the grip as a reference but that would only work with the pretty much rectangular semi...
  6. W

    Using rubber conveyor belting as partial backstop?

    Would shooting at rubber CV belting be a ricochet hazard? The indoor pistol range at a gun club uses the typical angled steel and trough below to catch bullets but has 1/2" thick conveyor belting just behind the targets. I'm guessing the belting is used to prevent / limit a bullet from...
  7. W

    Making - moding gun parts, FFL needed?

    Not for pay or for others. If a person that owns a gun decides to make their own replacement parts ( except for the frame in the case of a revolver ) or modifiy parts, is a FFL needed? Or if a machine shop is presented with a drawing for a barrel or cylinder, are they now a manufacturer? (...
  8. W

    SW revolver with 1/2"ish long barrel?

    Somewhere along the way I came across a picture of a modern SW revolver that has what looked to be a 1/2" long barrel. The front sight was over the cylinder / top strap! Is this a real gun? Thanks
  9. W

    Finding out if a hand gun is stolen prior to purchase?

    On a national and state ( PA ) level , is there a way to find out if a hand gun has been reported stolen / who the prior owner is / was ? ( without causing trouble for the person making the inquiry. ) The theoretical situation being a gun is found tucked away in a long abandoned location with...
  10. W

    The bullets are here ,the bullets are here,. . and I'm a real person!

    Got a call from my country post office. Postie: Hello , Mr XXXXXX? Me: Yes. Postie: Aaa, Umm we've got 90 lbs of bullets here for you. Could you please come here and pick them up? It's slippery out there and I don't want my carrier to fall delivering them. Me: OK, be down in a bit...
  11. W

    Ruger LCR Barrel _LINER_ removal?

    The LCR 38 ( and 357 ) uses a stainless steel barrel liner that aparently threads into the aluminum frame ( steel on the 357 ). The muzzle end does not have any hex or pin spanner holes. Any thoughts as to what tool is used to install or remove the barrel? I say aparently threads in /...
  12. W

    Making 38 / 357 blanks?

    Does a die exist to make a star crimp on a 38 / 357? I'm looking for something to do with my end cracked brass. ( and something different to do )
  13. W

    Ammo pressure device, any pictures?

    Has anyone seen pictures or come across a ammo pressure checker? Do these ever come up for sale? If it has a short barrel to mimic hand guns, would it require the same state paperwork as a hand gun? Are there types that do not require setup at a range? ( the bullet never leaves the device )...
  14. W

    Enlarging the muzzel end of a 22 revolver?

    Just a random thought I had while looking at the puppies at the gun store. Say someone has a 4 to 6" . 22 revolver nightstand gun. The gun is a 22 version of a say 38/357 so it's a large frame. The muzzle end hole looks pretty small in comparison to the rest of the gun. It might offer more...
  15. W

    Shield and Eagle on the back of the ammo box?

    I've noticed some ammo ( Remington for example ) has a outline of a bullet / case on the back of the box. One has a Eagle and the other has a shield. Is this some sort approval mark ( like a UL mark ) or point of origin? Thanks
  16. W

    Trying to duplicate 38 REM Golden Saber recoil

    Anyone have ideas as to what my reloads shoot? ( don't have a chrono, the gun is a Ruger LCR 2" ) I'm trying to duplicate my carry Rem GS for practice. Remming Golden Saber 38+P Test Barrel 4" 38+P Energy 100 218 Energy 50 238 Energy Muzz 264 GS38SB (HD304SB) Mid 100 5.2" Mid 50 1.0" Primer...
  17. W

    A different discussion on OC hand guns- ( worth the read )

    I haven't seen this come up on this and other boards. Do the people that advocate OC make a very visible display or something more subtle? For example, a ivory gripped stainless / nickel plated hand gun in a too small holster with nickel plated ammo clipped to the side would be much more...