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    Justice Dept. takes new position on 2nd Amendment

    WASHINGTON, May 7 — The Justice Department, reversing decades of official government policy on the meaning of the Second Amendment, told the Supreme Court for the first time late Monday that the Constitution "broadly protects the rights of individuals" to own firearms...
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    Political candidate shot down

    Pim Fortuyn, Netherlands. Now being painted as another Le Pen, far-right semi-Nazi. Not true; the guy (openly gay, BTW) was simply raising the issue of immigrationl, which is heavily Muslim. Get this from the AP wire: "Though the Dutch are tolerant of such subcultures, Fortuyn's popularity...
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    Tour de force article by David Brooks

    "Among the Bourgeoisophobes". The best thing I've read all year. Very long, and in two parts. Dy-na-mite! Link to Part 1; link to Part 2 (NTBM) at bottom of Part 1. If my link doesn't work, go to Weekly Standard...
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    Albuquerque concealed carry opt-out defeated

    Nanny-Mayor Jim Baca's attempt to have Albuquerque opt out of the state's concealed carry law went down to crashing defeat in committee yesterday. It's dead, dead, dead, although Baca is vowing to start a petition drive to resurrect his proposed criminal protection program. Last poll I saw...
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    Maryland, My Maryland --- NOT

    -------------------- City gun owner would fare far better in the county -------------------- Gregory Kane July 1, 2001 GEOGRAPHY, the philosophers tell us, is fate. Mark Griffin knows that. Boy, does he know it. If Griffin's Baltimore home were just a mile or two north of Northern...
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    Another benefit of experience with guns

    Last night on the History Channel they had a show about airborne guns. It was pointed out that in WWII, among dogfight kills for US fighter pilots, 11% of the pilots accounted for 90% of the kills. When they analyzed what distinguished those successful pilots, they found that they were...
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    Gov. to sign NM concealed carry law

    It's slated to go into effect July 1. However, in a compromise between House and Senate, the law allows local jursidictions (city or county) to ban concealed carry within their borders. The permit will require being 21 years of age, passing a criminal background check and a training course...
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    Here comes Katie!

    With Rosie's ratings deep in the toilet and her on the way out, guess who the NY Daily News says may be available for the same weekday time slot? Yes! Katie Couric! The only question seems to be whether she would be happy in a talk show format "which could potentially squash her hard news...
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    Newsweek: Lott is "Gun Crowd's Guru"

    Article in 3/12 issue. Newsweek is owned by the Washington Post, so it's about what you'd expect: Lott as iconoclastic renegade, a more-than-slightly kooky academic who can't hold a job, about whose work all solid, respected academic figures have many doubts, and who may be "dangerously...
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    School shooter reloaded four times

    (1) An undersized, mercilessly taunted kid; (2) Who talked about shooting up the school; (3) An unarmed "security" guard who could only run away and get shot in the back; (4) Shooter just keeps reloading and shooting. Isn't this where I came in?
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    DC shooter and mental illness

    The guy had a history of mental illness, but passed the Brady instant check and walked out with a gun. HCI calls this a "gigantic loophole". The form asks: "Have you ever been adjudicated mentally defective or have you ever been committed to a mental institution?" Unlike for criminal records...
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    Ashcroft detailed answers on guns The major ones are posed by Schumer, scroll about 1/3 of the way down; also Feinstein (I think) on 50 caliber legislation to put .50's under NFA.
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    Senate testimony by Michael Barnes/HCI

    What really bugs me is that way Barnes and others will argue against concealed carry by saying "I don't think it's a good idea", "That's the last thing we need", "We have enough road rage problems now", "Clearly the last thing we need is more people walking around with hidden weapons", etc...
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    Texas: Escapes increasing gun sales?

    Just wondering if these 7 criminals on the loose has had any effect on gun sales. Anybody from around there seen any indication of this?
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    Prediction for GW's Inauguration

    From Florence King, in National Review: "At W.'s Inauguration on January 20, Al Gore will pull out a gun and try to shoot himself, but won't be able to get the trigger lock off."
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    CBS vs. GWB

    Tonight's Blather report was amazing in its unremitting attack on Bush. First, GW got blamed for provoking the upcoming recession by mentioning the possibility (no mention of Greenspan's remarks). Then a parade of blacks expressing their distrust and dislike of GW, accompanied by lots of Bob...
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    Has Fred Barnes lost his marbles?

    Fred Barnes, conservative and Beltway Boy on FoxNews, just proposed Bill Bradley for Treasury Secretary. Bradley, of course, is a gun-grabber of the worst kind, and that would put him in control of BATF. What a godawful idea. A lot of us better tell Freddy to do his homework...
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    Jesse? Who cares?

    Chris Matthews had it right this morning. Jesse Jackson is part of our American political theater, and he will do what he does. But it's background noise. What's important is what people like Gephart, Daschel, etc. and their GOP counterparts do. Gore lost because he had too many lawyers...
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    Libs whine about activist Supremes

    Quite a hoot! Maybe Liberals should resurrect all those old "Impeach Earl Warren" signs and replace his name with Scalia's. Activist courts are loaded guns, and they can shoot in various directions. Did they never contemplate that? Damned unseemly for Liberals to whine when one finally...
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    Bubba goes to Oxford?

    From a British web paper (via Drudge), about Clinton becoming head of Oxford University: "Initially he will need 50 votes from these members and then stand in a full election in which he will have to beat off the traditionally stiff competition." Hoo Ha! Is this satire? Why not "stand in full...