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  1. J

    Are you annoyed too? warning message on new pistols

    It all started with a Sig Pro purchase where I noticed a warning printed into its plastic frame. I don't mind if there's a warning sticker or some other removal label attached to the firearm, althought I don't thing even that is truely necessary. Those warnings are usually about reading the...
  2. J

    How to practice shooting while moving?

    I'd like to improve my accuracy while moving. I'm ok moving towards and backwards from the target (but these situations don't come up often). I suck (like completely missing the target sometimes) when I move laterally against the target. I think I can improve my time if I can shoot while...
  3. J

    If you carry, do you support capital punishment ?

    I was talking w/ some friends (1 carries and 1 does not) and the non-carrying friend asked us if we'd be able to shoot if the time comes. I replied "yes". Interestingly this friend recalls that I'm against capital punishment... so I had to qualify my reply more by saying that if it's between...
  4. J

    Blued or Stainless

    If you are buying a new pistol that is available in blued or stainless for the same price (and they are of the same quality in every way after your careful examination)... Which one would you buy and why? Does the use intent matter? Does the pistol model matter? Edit: Thanks for your...
  5. J

    Shot my own ammo today, yeah!

    Firstly, I'd like to thank you for helping me get started in reloading. After initially setting up my equipment a few days ago, I didn't have any time to reload until last night. So finally, I was able to get to the range today and try out my handloads. I loaded 10 rounds last night with the...
  6. J

    Basic reloading questions; please help

    Well, I've been wanting to reload for a while but due to lack of time haven't started. I finally have some extra time and would like to start. I'm putting together an order w/ Midway and I have some questions that I hope you can help: 1. I'd like to reload 45acp. However, I don't see any...
  7. J

    Impressive Bushmaster service

    Recently I had to send my Carbon-15 rifle in for some warranty service. I started by emailing their tech support about my issue and check if it is covered by their warranty. Turn around time for email was a few hours. Their tech support mentioned that it is covered and to call customer...
  8. J

    Smith &Wession 1911, is it a true 1911?

    I'm considering buying one of those, and it'll be the first S&W purchase I'll be making in over 10years. I've heard that they are not true 1911 mil specs and cannot interchange parts w/ them. Is this true ? -Thanks
  9. J

    How much ammo

    about +/-3000 rounds After taking the pic, I remembered that I had another stash mostly 22lr and odd ball calibers that I don't fire regularly. Opps, I decided to count my ammo and turns out I have 5K rounds not including my 22lr bricks. This may be too much ammo for me... need to go...
  10. J

    How to ID Rock River Arms upper/barrel

    Does anyone know how to identify them (e.g. by some markings on the barrel or upper receiver) and care to share that info w/ me ? I recently acquired an RRA complete upper and would like to verify. I guess I can try contacting RRA tomorrow. Thanks.
  11. J

    How far do you drive each month ?

    Instead of distance, I think driving time might be a better indication. So , how long do you drive each month to attend your regularly attended club matches ? (Please sum up the round trip times.)
  12. J

    Shoot my first IPSC match

    I'd also like to thank for everyone's help/suggestions getting me started. Now I need to find some car poolers because the match location is 1hr away from my house, a little too far to go every couple of weeks. Well, I went and shoot my first IPSC match yesterday. I think I did ok until my 4...
  13. J

    Shot my first match (steel challenge); help me improve.

    Well, yesterday I shot my first match -- a steel challenge match. Two things that I need to remember next time: 1. Wear a hat and use sun block. Right now the back of my neck hurts a lot from sun burn; also my face hurts. This is my 2nd time ever shooting outdoors (the first time lasted...
  14. J

    Help: what gun to use for IDPA ?

    I'm thinking about going for my first ever IDPA match (actually it'll be my first pistol match of any kind) this weekend! Please help me decide on what gun I should bring. I carry a Kahr PM9 and have it loaded at home. Since IDPA is about defensive situations, I probably have a high...