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  1. H

    "Inticing a riot"?

    Had an argument with a semi anti-gun person this afternoon.. need some clarification. Here's the scenario: You live in a state, (Oregon), where Open Carry is LEGAL. If you are walking down the street, or into a supermarket, or in ANY public area with other people around, and you see...
  2. H

    Hmm... think I may buy a Glock......

    I own a Colt 1911 currently.. I'm 22 years old (23 this May.. man I'm getting old! *ducks*).. I am starting my 'collection'.. to use for recreation, for my own protection, and to eventually pass down to my kids.. (when the time comes). I was BS'n with my roomate (who owns a S&W .40)...
  3. H

    Holster question..

    I currently only own 1 pistol. A Colt Commander 1911. It's a pretty decent sized firearm.. With my current holster (hip draw, slightly angled), the firearm is too noticeable (IMO) when I turn my upper body in the right way.. the butt of the firearms is noticeable through my jacket. I am...
  4. H

    Holster question..

    I currently only own 1 pistol. A Colt Commander 1911. It's a pretty decent sized firearm.. With my current holster (hip draw, slightly angled), the firearm is too noticeable (IMO) when I turn my upper body in the right way.. the butt of the firearms is noticeable through my jacket. I am...
  5. H

    Trying to pickup on a few things here..

    Still being semi-new to the whole firearms world.. (owned my 1911 for about 4 months now). Let me clarify to make sure I am understanding a few things: LEO = Law Enforcement Officer, I.E. Police Officer? Limp Wristing = Firing your pistol w/o having your wrist locked in place.. sometimes a...
  6. H

    Hey SKN.. you around?

    I was going through reading my old messages and caught a reply by you mentioned you worked at PSTC... I'm sure I've seen you there! I was just down there last Sunday evening with my good friend Chad.. I was shooting my 1911 and he had his S&W .44 Handcannon.. Was thinking about getting a...
  7. H

    The Mall Ninja story??

    Ok, I've read a few things about the 'Mall Ninja'.. is there an original story somewhere? Couldn't seem to find one.. I've seen some of the quote.. "I took a hit of gatorade and checked my weapon.. it was still there".. heh Read the Mall Ninja Brother story.. but is there an original Mall...
  8. H

    Anyone reccomend some sights for a Colt 1911?

    I have a Colt Commander 1911.. I really need some NICE Adjustable sights for it.. I am talking top quality sights.. Ok.. maybe not like $1000 Top Quality.. heh.. but reasonable high quality sights.. Never bought sights for a gun before, so not really sure what I need to look for.. anyone...
  9. H

    Hey, you Oregon people....

    Where do you go locally to buy your firearm gear, accessories, and custom stuff? I am looking for a few things for my Colt 1911 Commander, an adjustable sight, and maybe a new grip to start.. I'd rather buy locally than off the net. Any reccomendations for the Portland metropolitan area?
  10. H

    Colt Commander 1911.........

    I just bought my first gun yesterday.. well, first handgun at least, I've owned rifles before. I am still new to the handgun scene. I was reading through my manual last night and have a few questions.. It mentioned series.. series 70, 80 and 90.. I cannot tell what "series" my gun is...
  11. H

    Oregon gun laws..........

    Hopefully this is an OK forum to pose this question but: For all you Oregon gun owners.. is there anywhere (online maybe) that I can pickup a copy of all the Oregon gun laws in an UNDERSTANDABLE format? I.E. Not the straight law in all the technical terms.. something a normal person can...
  12. H

    Noobi alert! Have some questions.........

    Alright.. I am going to purchase a handgun next month. I have several friends (and a roomate) who all own guns and go out shooting, and I'd like to join them with my own piece. I've shot 9's, a .45, and .22's.. All my friends own 9's; my roomate owns a .40.. I was wanting to get something...