Search results

  1. N

    I found the possum! Peeeeeee-yuu.

    If you read this thread... You know I had a run-in with a 50-toothed marsupiod butt-ugly waddling "bullet sponge" (AKA Possum) in my garage just before Thanksgiving. Well, neither did I miss the mark nor did the...
  2. N

    California Handguns Leaping off the Shelf!

    Like clockwork, panic has set in among handgun buyers. Everybody and his brother was in the local dealer last weekend. I was picking up a Luger and the dealer had NO time to talk with me. The place was hopping! Everybody is trying to get that last handgun of the year before the new jackass...
  3. N

    Hunting Possum in San Francisco

    I recently took a thrilling 12,000-mile motorcycle trip around the United States on my Harley-Davidson Road King. This is not that story... The story begins while I prepared for that trip. I am in the garage of my San Francisco house. I reach overhead to pull my gym-bag from the top shelf to...
  4. N

    Ginger or Maryanne?

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist. PS -- I was always a "Maryanne" man myself.:eek:
  5. N

    Poll: Night Sights.

    OK. What are the best night sights and why are they best? Brightness? Durability? Longevity? Color? Usefulness in daytime? I prefer P-T night sights because they are bright, rugged and well suited to daylight use. Which night sights would you trust YOUR life to?
  6. N

    SAAMI says 9mm NATO is...

    UNSAFE! Probably hashed a thousand times but I'm rattled by ( listing 9mm NATO as unsafe in guns marked "9mm Parabellum". Isn't 9mm Parabellum just the same as 9x19? Isn't NATO safe in all modern SIGs, Glocks, Walthers, HKs & Berettas?:confused: