Search results

  1. L

    Gun Confiscation in America

    After hearing so many people say that, "no one is coming for your guns", I got curious as to how often confiscations have happened, or even how often they are considered by legislatures. I found a lot of people asking the same thing, but found only pieces of information here and there. I decided...
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    New Blog - High Capacity Magazines

    I decided that since I can string words together into semi-coherent sentences, that maybe I should write down some of my thoughts so that they might be used to help our cause. Feel free to link and share as you'd like. The first article is about "High capacity" magazines. Let me know what you...
  3. L

    "Why don't you just move"

    I see this all the time. See I live in NJ. anytime someone mentions that they live in NJ, or CA, or MA, or wherever the gun laws are ludicrous, someone pops up and says "just move". I'm not going to get into the "money's better here" argument, or the "my family is here" stuff either. What...
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    Ruger .22 Target Stainless 77/22 Rifle

    Anyone own one of these? Local shop's got one and I like the look. For ~400 it looks like a fun accurate cheap-to-shoot gun. Any feedback is appreciated.
  5. L

    To PSS or not to PSS...

    That is the question.. Well they've got one at my local store that I've been eyeing, though I have no -ahem- need for it. :) What I REALLY want is a Sako TRG-22 or 42. :D Think I should just wait and get the rifle I really want, or "settle" for the PSS? I've already got a nice Mark IV to...
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    Ruger .454 FTF

    Just got a Ruger .454 Casull in trade. Broght it to the range and in 28 rounds, had two FTFs.. One, a Hornady, would not light after many strikes. I had to drop it in the dud bucket. The other, a Magtech, fired after another strike. I know the .454 uses rifle primers - is this common with...
  7. L

    Got any good Firearms related website ideas?

    I've been toying with doing a firearms website, but I'm not sure which way I'd like to go. I design Fortune 1000 E-Commerce Website Infrastructure (Routers Switches, Firewalls, Systems etc.), and also do HTML/Database, so I thought I would pour what little spare time I have into making a cool...
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    MPs in NYC

    Had to go to a party in NYC this evening (yes I HAD to go to a party). The party was in Manhatten, Around 45th and Park ave or so. On the street corners were MPs. I did not notice them on my 12 block walk back to the bus, only in this area. My questions: Aren't MPs for policing the...
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    Tom Ridge on Guns

    From CNN : Some Americans have responded to the September 11 attacks by purchasing firearms. Ridge was asked about that phenomenon. "The casual acquisition, the personal acquisition of a firearm I don't think is necessarily going to enhance national security," he said. "It may give an...
  10. L

    Why is it?

    That everytime I watch "The Matrix", I want to buy a Desert Eagle? DAMN That's a good movie. LevelHead
  11. L

    .22 rifle choice

    Local store has: Ruger 77/22 in target grey (I like the look) Kimber $800 something or other (can't afford it but yumm!) CZ stainless The CZ and the ruger are my choices for now. The CZ is $300 and the Ruger is $400. Any opinions on either (or both)? -LevelHead-
  12. L

    Help me with my dillema

    OK I've got a Stainless Sako 75 which I just adore. Right now its got a Leupold Long Range target scope on it, but I've got a Mark 4 coming. The problem is that Sako doesn't seem to either make or at least have 30mm rings in low for this sized action (V). Do I put the Mark 4 on medium rings...
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    What exactly does "Bedding" a rifle mean?

    :confused: -LevelHead-
  14. L

    Who makes the best Dies and such?

    Got me a Dillon 550B and need some dies. Should I get Dillon or are others better? Thanks, -LevelHead-
  15. L

    Need a source for Sako OptiLock Rings

    Got a Sako 75 7mm Rem Mag in Stainless, and I'm looking for a source of Optilock Rings. Guy on Ebay has AWESOME prices, but he does not have what I need to mount my new Leupold Mark 4. I need Stainless Low 30mm Optilock mounts. Part # S170R910 for Low Anyone have a source? I can order...
  16. L

    Benefits of a Leather Sling?

    I've got a military style leather sling on my AR. I've got one of those $10 Nylon Super Slings from Wally World on my Sako 7mm. Damn if I don't like the nylon sling better! Its more comfortable all around, looks great, seems very sturdy and adjusts in a heartbeat. What (if any) advantage...
  17. L

    Getting a 550B - What else do I Need?

    Yup - bought me a Dillon 550B with strong mounts, roller handle some conversions etc. What else do I need? I know I need dies for each caliber, and things like low powder sensors are "obvious" add-ons. Dillon sells a quick startup kit with a scale, caliper and some other stuff.. I know I'll...
  18. L

    Should I buy that 30-30?

    I tend to like "utilitarian" firearms. This usually means military types, but not always. I've got an AR, a 7mm bolt, a .308 bolt, a .45 HK a 9mm Sig and a Mossy 590 shotgun. Oh - and a trap gun - hey shooting birds is a valuable skill! Anyway I've been lusting after this Marlin Stainless...
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    "Other House" gun - AK or FAL?

    Got a house in NH on 100 acres where I go to get away from the Hell that is NJ. Want to -ahem- stock up for a rainy day there :D AK or FAL? Both utterly reliable, but if I go either I want quality. I can get a Quality AK cheaper than a quality FAL, so I'm thinking AK. I like .308 more...
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    HCI and the Taliban.

    Hmm... Do you think that all the gun grabbers feel they are of the same mind as the Taliban? How does ANYONE with a thimbleful of brain NOT GET THIS? This is the future gun grabbers promise. From The Taliban listing why they aren't so...