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  1. G

    Sub-compact, CCW, for my wife to carry... ND opinions

    My wife and I currently have an SA XD9 Service that we use for HD. I carry it IWB when I'm out and my wife isn't at home. We have come across a few situations where she would be home and I would be going out, but I have to leave the XD at home for her in case she needed it. Of course, being the...
  2. G

    Desantis Pro Stealth IWB review

    Just got the Desantis Pro Stealth IWB holster earlier this week. I bought it online from the Desantis website at Total price with shipping was just under $40. I received the holster just 48 hours after ordering so I was extremely satisfied with the ordering process and...
  3. G

    Welp... I went and did it... Proud owner of SA XD9!

    I had the opportunity to handle both the XD 4" and the SC this afternoon and loved them both. The SC felt a tad small but not bad at all but the 4" was perfect. The prices being asked for both were a little hard to swallow (both over $500 used) so I passed on the local purchase. But, I found a...
  4. G

    SA XD9..... Sub-compact or 4" model.... Hmmmmm

    I think I've finally decided to go with the SA XD9. From everything I have read and looking at pricing on many different pistols, I think the XD is the one for me as a first pistol. My wife agrees so that kinda helps the situation along. :) Now, I plan to carry. Most likely IWB because I like...
  5. G

    Question about CCW and leaving weapon in the car....

    Welp, I just got my CCW about 2 weeks ago and finished my Handgun Orientation class at Sigarms Academy yesterday. Now I'm looking to buy my first handgun and I plan on carrying, most likely IWB, once I decide what pistol I'd like to buy. My question is in regards to what I should do when I go to...
  6. G

    New guy.... Just read "Armed Response".....

    Hello! Another new guy here just getting into the arena of handguns and shooting. Got my CCW just this afternoon and will be heading to the Sigarms Academy on the 20th of this month for my Handgun Orientation class. Soon after I intend to purchase my first handgun and I'm really looking forward...