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  1. S

    Freedom of speech on the internet officially removed

    Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime. It's no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. This ridiculous prohibition, which would likely imperil...
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    (MA) new legislation to fight! :eek: :barf: and believe me theres much much more..give it a read and write your rep and lets try to kill this abomination!!!!
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    Another Mass LTC denied (RANT)

    Its funny ,if you look up the search terms in these forums: LTC DENIED every thread that you get as a search result is from Massachusetts.. Im a 31 year old law abiding design engineer who has never been arrested, never been in legal trouble of any kind, has no unsavory friends, doesnt do...
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    this has disproven a point (New Orleans)

    To all the anti-gun people out there who vehemontly state that there is no need for private citizens to have guns becuase the police and the goverment at large will protect them,this tragic tale has proven to be an unintended testbed of that theory that has clearly proven them wrong.. unlicenced...
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    Provide the Following Documents..

    According to, in Massachusetts I am required to Provide the following documentation for my CCW pistol permit. (1) copy of your Mass Drivers License (1) copy of your Birth Certificate (1) Two Page Applicaiton (2) Fingerprint Cards (2) Photographs (1) 100.00$ license fee Proof of MA...
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    A way to test the waters cheaply

    Im ready to send in my massachusetts LTC permit the princely sum of 100$, but i was thinking that perhaps it would be smarter to first apply for a Non-Resident New hampshire permit for only 40$ to test the waters.. For one i get to ensure that im qualified so to speak by using the cheaper out of...
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    (MA) question reagrding LTC application revisited

    Hello all, I have a couple of questions i was hoping i could get clarified.. ( to begin i livei n gloucester,Massachusetts) my first questions is... before chapter 180, i was issued an FID ,valid until suspended or revoked..this obviously became null and void after the passage of that law..but...
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    North Shore Massachusetts

    Does anyone know of a good range/store in the North shore Massachusetts area that allows for rentals/lending (or however they handle it) of firearms on their range? i would like to try a few different models out before i purchase and was hoping there was something in the area. thank you all :D
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    Left Handed Alternative

    Hello all! Im looking for a quality left handed alternative for the Glock G19. Although i can use the G19 lefty, I find operating its controls unweildy depsite its small size because of my left hand dominance.. Can anyeon recomend anything inparticulare or point in the direction of some...