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    Teaching self defense (God help me)

    First off, my apologies if this is in the wrong section... mods please feel free to move it to a more appropriate location... 'ppreciate it. :) OK, so a friend of mine's coworker got mugged in a parking lot last night while getting some medication for her daughter. Got beaten up pretty badly...
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    Mythbusters on right now (8PM central, 4/26)

    Revisiting the bullet in water myth... looks like they'll be putting the gun underwater this time!
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    Fieldstripping a Kahr K9?

    I borrowed my aunt's Kahr K-9 and I'm now trying to clean it... got the manual and everything and the process seems straightforward... I cannot, for the life of me, get the slide lock pin out of the gun! I pulled the slide partly back, pushed with my finger, pushed with a screwdriver handle...
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    Kinda weird but...

    does anyone know where to get cheap plastic lawn gnomes? I was thinking that lawn gnomes would make amazing targets but the only ones I've seen were made of concrete (don't wanna shoot that) or hand-carved $90 wooden ones... any ideas? :)
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    Taking a newb shooting Friday... Anything special I should consider?

    Taking a girl from my English class to the range friday afternoon. She's never shot before and seems excited. I was going to bring my KP95 (9mm)... is there anything special about introducing a person to shooting (particularly a female) that I should be aware of? I was going to go over the...
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    Trigger creep in Ruger KP95?

    The SA trigger pull on my KP95 (Oh, got a KP95PR for my 21st bday, btw... gracias padres! :D )... anyway, the SA pull is pretty creepy... bottom of the trigger moves perhaps 1/8" to 1/4" before it hits the break point. Is there a semi-easy way to fix this? Is it fixable at all? It's not a big...
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    Sighting in 10/22... ammo sensitive?

    I've been trying to sight in the 4x32 scope on my Ruger 10/22 at ~25-30 yds. Well, I'll get it going and get it sighted in, think everything's great. Five minutes later, it's shooting high and left. They're grouping consistently, but they're nowhere near where my now sighted in (or so I...
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    Thoughts on Marlin 981T?

    I've used the search feature and didn't really find much on this rifle... anyone have one? Do you like it? My brother is considering one as his first firearm, and I suggested the bolt action .22, and the tube mag so he could fire shorts and colibris, etc. How are they in the accuracy...
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    Clearing a plugged barrel...

    Anyone had to deal with a plugged barrel before? How did you clear it? These questions occur to me as I'm using colibris in my 10/22 (which they say not to do, but it hasn't caused a problem yet)... My main question is, assuming you have a bullet stuck in the barrel, and haven't been able to...
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    9x18 SD ammo if you don't reload?

    Been thinking about getting a mak in 9x18 for ccw but was wondering about ammo choices. So, what self defense ammo is available if you don't reload? Barnaul JHP, Silver Bear JHP... what else? Also, anyone have any experience with any of this stuff? Any particular brand you find more reliable...
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    I made a reload cost calculator...

    I've written a quick and dirty little program to estimate the cost per round to reload according to a specific formula. You can find the executable and C++ source at I'd appreciate it if y'all could try it out and tell me if there are any obvious bugs in the...
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    Playing "Ma Bell" for not a ton of $$

    So I have a friend that seems to have this obsession with long range shooting, and I thought I may help facilitate her habit and augment my rifle collection at the same time. I'm somewhat interested in long range shooting, but I was also considering getting into deer hunting. What I'm looking...
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    Accuracy: Bolt action vs. other actions...

    I have always heard that bolt action rifles are more accurate than other actions, and was just wondering if this was true? I have a couple of theories... Theory #1: The bolt holds the cartridge in place as it fires, keeping it from rotating in any direction, throwing the bullet off or...
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    Range session last weekend...

    Three friends and I went out to a guy I know's farm last weekend... had an absolute blast! We brought my 20 ga., 10/22, my dad's m1 carbine, a benelli nova 3.5" 12 ga, a mossy turkey gun (3.5") another mossberg 3" 12 ga., .17 HMR breech loader, two more .22s, and a couple of other guns that I...
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    2-1/4" barrel vs. 3-1/16" barrel?

    I'm thinking about getting a revolver in .357 magnum that I could use for concealed carry (specifically I was thinking of a "drop in the coat pocket on my way out the door" type of gun). I like the feel of the Rugers so I was pretty well set on those, but they offer SP101s with a 2-1/4" barrel...
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    pocket carry 9mm?

    First off, this is my first post (well, second post, first started thread) and I just want to say that I've learned a lot in months of lurking here, and I'm looking forward to learning even more in the future! That said, I'm hoping to get my CCW in a few months and I'm in the market for a...