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  1. H

    Project Exile????

    "But here in North Carolina, we could also benefit from an idea pioneered in our neighboring state of Virginia. I strongly support expanding Project Exile to North Carolina. Under this program, a convicted felon caught with a gun faces mandatory five-year federal prison term – no plea bargaining...
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    Boycott List

    I cant find a place to post this other than here......A Southern grocery store chain has just started with the "NO GUNs" signs. Its called Harris Teeter. If any of yall know of the proper place to put this please let me know. Have a great Thanksgiving folks...but my Harris Teeters turkies rot...
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    Neal Knox

    I had the pleasure of meeting Neal Knox tonight and hearing him speak. Its rare to see a person speak with so much passion for our right of self defense. As he spoke of the powers that be that favor removing it, it became obvious he was very POed and his blood pressure went up. This man is very...
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    I feel safer

    My dad boarded a flight before the 9/11 attack. They confiscated his NRA keyring with the silver bullet on it. Stupidity knows no end
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    Saw the news concerning OBL buying weapons grade plutonium today, plus the missing nuke warheads (20 of em) from the now defunct Soviet Union. This changes the equation terribly IMO. At this point in my paranoid delusions I ponder the possiblity of those weapons being already on US soil. I would...
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    This is wild!!

    I saw one short news report that a few of the rich and famous are hiring their own mercs to go in and get OBL. They aren't playing by ANY rules and they are hiring some real nasty guys. They even said they will donate the reward the US has on his head to New York!!! This is not illegal according...
  7. H

    Reagan Airport figured out.

    If it is suppose to be so safe to fly why hasnt this airport reopened? Recent news say it will open next week. My bet is they are trying to get at least 3 or 4 Skymarshalls on every flight coming and going before it opens. There are so few marshals now they just cant do it. Bottom line they want...
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    Get ready folks..gonna get messy methinks

    Looking more at recent events, like the Arabs backing out of the anti-terror coalition its starting to get obvious that we are in for much more than a messy police action in Afghanastan. Some of our allies (even Great Britain) are even getting cold feet since they have read the writting on the...
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    Am i paranoid??

    Still sifting thru bits and pieces of info from news sources from all over the world, things are looking worse by the day. Its becoming obvious that OBL was not the kingpin in this. I really think several mid-east arab states have conspired to get the US forces into the region, using OBL as...
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    This is a setup yall!!!

    I been trying to gleen thru all the reports on our current dilema and some things dont make sense here. Im begining to think that OBL didnt actually ordered the WTC attacks. I dont doubt that some of his associates may have, but I dont think he was the mastermind here. Seems like as cocky as he...
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    Get rid of Peter Jennings!!!

    I dont know if any of yall are aware, with the latest crisis ABCs Peter Jennings has taken every opportunity to present our President in as negative a light as possible. he obviously cant separate "news" from his personal agenda/opinions. While I fervently believe in the freedom of speech I also...
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    2 thoughts here

    Looking at the map of the mideast region I noticed that China shares a border with Afghanistan. Latest news is than Uncle Ben has boogied..........i'll bet a dollar to a donut hes in China now. (I hope Im wrong here) Im sure we wont bomb China anytime soon. Secondly, does anyone find it...
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    John Walsh

    Hi folks, Im new here. Just thought Id add my 2 cents after seeing John Walsh clarify his agenda on TV the other day. Heres an E-mail i sent him. Perhaps yall may wanna express yourselves to him also. Subj: Jerry Springer of Crime Control?? Date: 8/31/01 8:32:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time...