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  1. F

    New Discussion Forum!

    We have a new message forum open! Hope that you will stop by and teach us a thing or two.
  2. F

    New Discusion Forum!

    We have a new discussion forum open! Hope you will drop by and teach us a thing or two! [This message has been edited by FREEDOM FIGHTER (edited October 10, 1999).]
  3. F

    Horn rattling for whitetails.

    I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried rattling deer in. And wanted to know how well it actually works. Also maybe a few tips! They make it look pretty easy on TV. But what about in real life? I finally broke down and bought a set of rattling horns for this season, hoping it might help...
  4. F

    Anyone Here From Alabama?

    Looking to meet others from Alabama. Let me hear from you if you are out there!