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  1. N

    Source for a replacement barrel for a Stevens 620?

    Maybe a better question; I have a 16GA Stevens 620 - can I get a 12GA barrel or 20GA barrel and swap it on the gun? Thanks!
  2. N

    Remington takes the money from NY/Pentagon deal

    Remington would rather have private 2A ownership ES & Die than pass up the coin; I wouldn't buy anything that had Remmy's name on it, let alone the cure for cancer from them.
  3. N

    Magpul gave up the fight pretty quick...

    Up to 9-pages of Magpul talk at arfcom when it was revealed that Magpul will continue to sell to BAN STATE .gov's. Maybe they needed to raise cash for moving vans? Or buy CO properties to build grow-houses for the weed, man... Way to support the 2A there Magpul... In a related note...
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    Sen Bob Casey of PA - his anti-gun auto-reply

    Meanwhile, my reply back to the most boring senator in the known universe after his auto-reply; Dear Mr. Casey, Thank you for the acknowledgement of our communications with your auto-reply, but I think we have a problem here - and I know that you don’t want to be a problem to your...
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    Old news? S&W also has the Ruger-like send-a-message!
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    Anyone have BOTH a Henry lever .22 and a Browning BL-22?

    Looking for a comparative between the two, already own a Henry, have a chance at a used "Gr 2" BL-22. Thanks!
  7. N

    What are the choices for "SAA" .22 convertible cyl guns out there please?

    Was wondering what is readily available in single-action .22LR/Mag revolvers, any recmendations would be appreciated! I found a NIB Bearcat for $330.00 but it is only in .22LR...
  8. N

    Older Beretta Mod21 .22LR - hair trigger ??

    Picked up a used Model 21. Fun little gun and really like the D/A capability on the first shot. But, second/subsequent shots are on a hair trigger. Lightest touch and it goes off. Anyone else experience this with an M21 - or did the previous owner do a little WECSOG trigger job? Thanks!
  9. N

    What can you tell me about a S&W M34 .22?

    Any ideas as to what one should be worth? How it compares to a 4" M-18 .22? Thanks!
  10. N

    What should a decent S&W M-18 4" .22 sell for?

    Not a seller, want to buy a 4" M-18 .22. I understand they are not Charter Arms, but by the same token I don't want to find out later that well-used examples "can be found all day for $XXX.XX" - after I paid $YYY.YY for my M-18. So, what is the ball-park for these please? Thanks!
  11. N

    Any decent clones of S&W M18 Combat M'piece .22LR??

    Hello all, Was looking for a S&W M-15 4" like I futtzed with in the USAF, but realizing I can't afford the plinking costs of .38SPL, figured I'd look for the .22LR version... YEEEowza - $6-7XX.00; that's lo-end 1911 or AR-15 money. So - any worthy clones of the Model 18 .22LR that I could...
  12. N

    Source of aftermarket grips for original Freedom Arms mini?

    Hello all, Acquired a Freedom Arms mini revolver in .22LR. Fun little toy, but with so very little to hang on to the muzzle whip makes it nearly useless as a plinker beyond a 2-foot range. Does anyone know of a source for larger grips? A custom grip maker? Thanks!
  13. N

    TA90 in 41AE - can it be converted to 9mm?

    Hello all, Have a question about a gun I actually own - as opposed to want; a Tanarmi TA90 I inherited. From the markings on the magazines, it's in the popular-in-the-late-80's 41AE. I recall Action Arms had IMI Uzi's in that caliber, but I don't even see that ammo on dealers shelves these...
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    What are the years to avoid in Charter Arms revolvers?

    I've read mixed reviews about Charter Arms revolvers and wonder about which years they "went bad". If anyone has suggestions as to what to avoid - like "post-1982" for example - please advise. Thanks!
  15. N

    Mid-late 70's USAF revolver?

    Hello all, Was in the USAF from 10/73 - too long, and in between I had a chance to schedule myself to the SAMTU for handgun training. Repeatedly. Did great actually, and nothing beats shooting up someone else's ammo! Anyway, they had us using S&W revolvers, IIRC - 6-shots. Great and easy gun...