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  1. H

    How many ways can you tell this isn't real??? Being the airsoft lover I am, I decided to post some recently taken pictures of my new Glock 19. For those of you that don't know what airsoft is or the implications it might have on society...imagine what could happen if these start...
  2. H

    ASP Newbie Questions...

    I am relatively ignorant about this kind of stuff so forgive me. I always wondered how a baton like an ASP (or any baton for that matter) works. What's the difference between a baton and just some wooden stick? Why is a baton more powerful as an impact weapon? The ASPs only weigh a pound and I...
  3. H

    C.R. Sam and rest, my anti-gun friend read the article, and he has a rebuttal!!

    I decided to start a new thread for better discussion. My "partially" anti-gun friend in the other post actually read some parts of that article you recommended and also all of the responses here on TFL and he feels compelled enough by its position that he wrote a rebuttal against a section...
  4. H

    Woes with a "partially" anti-gun friend...

    I have a friend that many of you probably will find interesting. You guys probably haven't seen many people like this. I find his personality to be all the more difficult to convince to pro-RKBA. Now, this guy is smart. And he's also obsessed about guns. What I mean is, he is very much a gun nut...
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    A Resolution picked for a National Student Congress/Debate Tournament...

    I'm in debate, and recently a Student Congress topic has been picked to be used in the National Forensics Tournament in Charlotte, North Carolina in a couple of weeks...these topics, or "bills" are written by high schoolers across the country to be selected for the national tournament. Because I...
  6. H

    "Guns don't kill people, but they make it much easier"

    Apparently this is the argument of my generally logical and usually pro-gun friend. He own's many guns and enjoys shooting, but he still buys some of the anti-gun rhetoric. He says if either were possible, a world with no guns would still be infinitely safer than a world where everyone had guns...
  7. H

    Anyone consider Airsoft as a viable HD weapon?

    I was thinking about my airsoft MP5 as a viable defense weapon. I mean it obviously looks real from any distance except point blank, and it can pump out 6mm plastic bbs at around 800RPM at 330 FPS.....a mag can hold about 70 rds...perhaps I could fire at the face or something.....what do you...
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    Newsweek Front Cover!

    Any one have a scan of the front cover? I must say it's one of the coolest news magazine covers I've ever seen. I'm too lazy to go out and buy the magazine :rolleyes: :)
  9. H

    Any good websites on CQC tactics?

    I'm looking for websites with good info on SWAT/CQC/Room clearing tactics or anything of that nature. Any one know any good sites?
  10. H

    To carry or not to carry?

    Alright, My friend and I are having a dispute on carrying. He's not anti-gun (very pro-gun infact), but he believes that the entire carry philosophy is flawed. You guys obviously dont need to hear my arguments, but here's his. He believes that there's really no situation in your life where you...
  11. H

    Japan Killing Spree = Pro Gun Evidence

    Take a look at this. Although unfortunate, it does a VERY good job proving that guns do not cause crimes themselves, esp. in a place like japan where guns are virtually nonexistent. All anti-guns should read this.