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  1. W

    need help with deer dragging alternatives

    I am new to hunting. I know nothing. Any help is greatly appreciated. I recently scouted an extremely remote area that I think is home to a humongous, monster, whitetail brute beast stud buck. I can't begin to explain the magnitude of this find. I will not try. Just believe me when I say...
  2. W

    Smith & Wesson M&P 15.....opinions?

    I have a friend who's thinking about buying an AR 15, specifically the new S&W M&P 15--I think he read about it in latest issue of "Guns and Ammo". He likes S&W's quality (owns their revolvers) and has felt overwhelmed with choices when considering other brands. He visited and...
  3. W

    10/22....break in required?

    I just picked up my 2nd rifle (10/22 RR) and was wondering if breaking-in barrel is even neccessary. Rifle is for plinking, practice, and friendly shooting contests with buddy who bought same gun. I know he won't bother cleaning his gun more than once a year. I will clean after each shooting...