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  1. S

    Insuring firearms?

    The wife wants me to insure my Sig, which I can understand because it's pricey. But then it will be registered somewhere I'm sure. Do or Don't?
  2. S

    I can't see.

    So I've noticed and dealt with my blurry vision for a couple years now, not really wanting to even acknowledge the problem as if it would mean that I conceded that old age was catching up to me. Even though reading made my head hurt, and I had to hold things at nearly arms length to see them...
  3. S

    Something that has bugged me.

    Here's something that happened to me a while back, and I've only brought it up one time on another forum, but I'd like to know what TFL thinks, so I'll ask here too. A couple of years ago some punks shot out the windows of the house we were renting as I was sitting under them (some quarter...
  4. S

    Beretta PX4 Storm suggestions.

    I searched through some threads here concerning holsters and CC'ing a Beretta PX4 Storm (F) so I'll ask here. Is it realistic to expect to carry it concealed or is it too big? Are there any opinions as to which holsters fit it best and what method of CC is preferred by guys who are 5'11"@220...
  5. S

    POWder coating, good idea or bad idea?

    I took the SNT to the range yesterday and ran a few rounds through it with the new mag extension on it. Had a blast but now, as I knew it would, the finish on the extension is fubar'd. I was wondering if I get the extension powder coated, would it stand up to the discoloration better than the...
  6. S

    The wife wants one too!

    It's taken her a little while, but she's grown ok with having firearms, and now she wants one too. She wants a .22 revolver like an EAA Bounty Hunter: or an Uberti 1873 Stallion...