Search results

  1. N

    carry recommendations? 1911 sub $850

    looking to buy a 1911 for carry purposes either be it a 5" full size or a 4" commander model not interested in any of the "sub 1911" styles, or external ejector models. alloy frame preferred. ambi safety, don't care about slide serrations or what not. carry style no snag 3 dot sights...
  2. N

    Howard Leight vs Peltor tac muffs the howard leights are cheaper by $35 almost, have a 2db higher rating....whats the big deal about the peltors? Ive used the...
  3. N

    M&P, Sig 226 or XD?

    looking at the .40 versions of the above. I shot the M&P and the Sig today, the sig failed to feed 3 times, and failed to lock the slide all but once or this is a well used and abused range rental, but should I be worried? the M&P was very nice as well, as everyone has said you...
  4. N

    1 Officer killed, 3 wounded. happened at 11ish this morning. I was with a friend of mine who is a detective down in that area and we got the info over the radio while it was happening...very scary to hear that over the radio. they are still searching for him. Chad
  5. N

    ar-15 question...

    looking at a few pictures of ar-15's i noticed this weird lever/button on the lower receiver on both sides of the rifle and have no clue what it is...can someone clue me in? heres another example slightly different... and the opposite side. thanks Chad
  6. N

    Problems with Rock please.

    so I went and shot my rock island for the second time and had quite a few problems mainly and most concernly it wouldn't RTB and once I did finally get it to chamber a round it would would fail to feed the last round...any ideas? weapon fired fine the first time i shot it just had 2 FTE's with...
  7. N

    pictures of my new rock island

    still breaking it in...have 140 shots through it.:cool: Chad
  8. N

    New orleans gun seziures...

    during hurricane Katrina we all know that many weapons were illegally taken from their owners I read that the NRA was going to pursue a lawsuit? been away from the media/world for a few months so I never got to see what had happened. anyone have the results? Chad
  9. N

    shot my new Rock Island

    shot my new RIA... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- picked up my Rock Island yesterday got her home stripped her down cleaned it up, lubed it up and headed to the range with a variety of ammo. used 2 wilson 47d magazines and the provided Novak...
  10. N

    737 skids off runway,2933,178191,00.html CHICAGO — A Southwest Airlines flight from Baltimore to Chicago slid off a runway at Midway International Airport and onto a nearby street as it attempted to land amid heavy snow and wind, authorities said Thursday. Two passengers on the...
  11. N

    car scenerio...

    okay you pull up to a light and are back 3-4 spots in line theres cars on your right and cars on your left. you glance over and the passenger in the car next to you is pointing a gun (toy? maybe?) what do you do?...theres no way out with the car that I can see... so...what do you guys think...
  12. N

    What rifle for 500yds + average ?

    looking for a long range target shooter most likely in .308 (any other suggestions of caliber?) I know glass is just as or more important in these cases but thats for another thread. heres what i've been looking at. obviously price is money...also allows me to spend more on better glass...
  13. N

    Sheehan Commercial...

    Sheehan Commercial.... anyone see this horse crap? cindy sheehan basically goes "you were wrong about the war, you were wrong about the WMD, you lied, you killed my son" "we should stop this now" WHAT UTTER BULL****.... oh and where did I see this?! CNN :barf: :mad: :barf: :barf: i was...
  14. N

    How'd i do?

    this is at 15 yards 2 hand hold... first time with the Neos, and first time w/ a semi-auto rimfire... I thought i did pretty damn good? some of the lower shots are when i put it out to 25yards for ****s&grins. I finally figured out my problem and am not shooting high and to the left...
  15. N

    pratice 9mm?

    fixing to order some ammo online... been looking at Magtech which i've had good experiences with, also WWB, and CCI Blazer... out of the 3 which would you guys choose? they are within $1 of eachother in the best pratice ammo? what about Sellier and Bellot? edit: what...
  16. N

    parent has an issue with a handgun...question.

    Ok my parents are newly divorced and my father has always been the gun mom isnt anti or anything and has shot guns and such. her problem is this. right now im 18 and have a shotgun and a 10/22 im trying to convince her to "gift" me a handgun in this case a SA XD-9 she has a...
  17. N

    rules at a gunshow?

    going to a gunshow tommrow and hopefully going to pick up an XD-9.... what are the rules for purchasing @ a gunshow? how goes the 3 day wait? this is in Florida...sorry forgot to mention that.... :o im sure you still fill out the 4473 and all that fun stuff? Thanks Chad
  18. N

    SA's full size....ILS or not?

    do they have ILS? if so how hard is it to replace? and do they have the standard guide rod? Chad
  19. N

    Forend Lights...who uses them who doesnt and why?

    as the topic says gentlemen. whats the story on "tactical" forend lights? i mean isnt it bad to give your position away (the light) and to keep in darkness? or am i wrong here? what are the advantages and disadvantages of using a forend light? i was possibly considering buying a surefire...
  20. N

    few questions on colts and Springfields...

    do the NRM 1991 colts have a firing pin safety? or are they like the 70 series colts? no firing pin safety? same question for springfields...does the mil-spec have a firing pin safety? and that damn ILS ? as well as the GI .45? Thanks Chad