Search results

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    Handgun for Elderly woman

    My 83 year old Mom with minor arthritis has recently started living alone. Any thoughts on a self-defense pistol for her? Something that is simple to operate, lightweight and with manageable recoil. I thought these 2 might be good candidates...
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    K9 vs MK9

    Anyone have any observations on recoil differences between the Kahr K9 vs the MK9? Also, in the accuracy department, how does the MK9 compare to the K9? Other than obvious size differences, any other big differences between the two worth noting?
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    KelTec Sub2000 as service rifle ?

    The KelTec Sub2000 comes in versions that accept magazines from various handguns (Glocks, S&W, Beretta) and calibers (9mm, .40). KelTec has sent the rifle out for evaluation by various law enforcement organizations. Anyone know of any police departments that actually use or will soon be...
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    Snohomish, WA and CCL ?

    Anyone have any experience in obtaining a Concealed Carry License in Snohomish county, WA? Easy to obtain? Cost? How long to receive? Any hassles? Overall experience? Thanks! USGuns
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    Kahr MK9 + Alessi Talon opinions

    Anyone have a Kahr MK9 and Alessi Talon holster combination? - Comfortable to wear all day? Dig into the ribs at all? - Hold the gun well? - Overall recommendation? (on the gun and/or holster) Thanks! USGuns
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    Future generation ignorance

    We're in deep doo doo.:$72 Here's a sample: ------------------------------------- Attitudes About Western Culture College students are known for their tolerance and occasional practice of alternative beliefs, value systems and cultures. But this...
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    Dan Wesson 9mm 1911

    Anyone own a Dan Wesson Pointman Major? Particularly in 9mm? How's it shoot? How is the quality? Is it a good value? Whenever anyone asks about a 1911 in 9mm, everyone always mentions Springfield but it looks like we have another option here...
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    New Kahr T9 now shipping

    May be too early, but anyone shot this pistol yet? Nice looking gun:
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    3 men in a pot

    (Many of you probably have already seen this) A Texan, a Frenchman and an Israeli are on a plane flying over the Pacific Ocean when the engines stop functioning. The plane crash lands on a Pacific Island and the three are immediately captured by a tribe of Cannibals and taken to their village...
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    FYI - new Kel-Tec forum

    For you Kel-Tec fans who want to discuss Kel-Tec specific issues, there's a nice new forum up at KTOG:
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    England: Liza Minelli robbery attempt How is this possible? I thought a "gun free" England would also make it crime free??? But a crimewave sweeping London??? :rolleyes:
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    Non-toxic ammunition

    With a new little-one on the way, I've been keenly interested in totally Non-toxic (lead free) ammunition. Here's some useful research the state of NJ did: Are non-toxic-ammunition-only ranges the wave of the future? It would certainly...
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    Hey man, can I shoot your gun?

    Anyone else here beside me always say NO when someone at the range asks if they can shoot your gun? Some folks just don't have respect for other's property and so I just don't take a chance with something that might be used to save my life some day. :rolleyes: Anyone else agree and have any...
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    Kel-Tec Sub-2000 reviews ?

    Anyone have any links to reviews on the Kel-Tec Sub-2000 carbine? According to Kel-Tec's website, the first units went to writers and law-enforcement for evaluation in October:
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    Media Ignore Fact That Gun Owners Stopped School Shooter Phil Brennan, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2002 Two of the three Virginia law students who overpowered a gunman in a fatal school shooting were armed and used their weapons to disarm the shooter. Yet of the 280 stories written...
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    Mini-14 Ammo Q's

    Will soon be receiving my first rifle, a SS/Syn Mini-14 RR and have some questions regarding ammunition for it: 1. Some manufacturers (e.g. Federal Premium) seem to make both 'Rem 223' and 'Rem 223 (5.56x45mm)'. What's the difference? I assumed for my Mini-14 I'd need the 5.56x45mm? Any...
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    Canada, gun-control and terrorism

    Good video-story for our Canadian friends here regarding gun-control on law-abiding citizens rather than going after terrorist criminals and controlling the borders:
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    Good God, now they've outlawed spanking!,2933,33870,00.html I truly feel sorry for our good friends in the British Isles. First, they lose the right to own firearms to defend their families. Now they can't even raise their children as they see fit. You'd think after all they went through fighting...
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    New CCW forum

    With more and more states slowly coming on board with allowing CCW, maybe a CCW forum might be useful now to folks? Tips on holsters, staying concealed, best firearms for CCW, state laws, etc.
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    NH Town Residents Want to Secede From State Over Property Tax

    Townspeople haven't called out the militia, but some frustrated residents of this feisty town of 850 want to secede from the state over the same issue that led to the American Revolution: taxation.,2933,31062,00.html