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  1. A

    Legal for me to own a Handgun?

    This question is of a legal nature, but the Legal and Political Forum seems to lean more towards politics, so I thought I would ask here. All of the firearms laws that I have read pertaining to handguns specify that you must be 21 years old both to purchase a handgun and be licensed for...
  2. A

    Love my new Sweede, but...

    This week I purchased a beautiful M96/38 Carbine, my first Mauser. It is a Gustaf gun manufactured in 1900. All the numbers match except for the front swivel sling/barrel band, and the stock is dark with a good grain. It does have a number 3 barrel, but I didn't worry about it because the...
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    Dryfiring rimfire OK?

    After lurking here off and on for a couple of weeks, I today purchased a CZ 452. The manual for this rifle has me confused though. All my life I have been told that you should never dryfire a rimfire rifle because the firing pin is not designed to handle it. However, as I thumbed through the...