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  1. A

    Poor man's case trumming

    I need to trim some 6.5mm Carcano brass (54mm) down to 7.35mm brass (51.5 mm). I use a Lee case trimmer for my .308 which is cheap and effective, but the 7.35mm gauge would have to be custom made and they have temporarily suspended custom production. Is there a poor man's way to trim brass...
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    Family shows and guns.

    Of all the non-western shows I watched growing up, the only one that showed the Dad and sons hunting together, was the Waltons. I remember an episode of Andy Griffith shooting skeet, but it wasn't with Opie. Does any one remember any others? I guess TV and the media has been against guns for...
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    Unsafe firearm incidents.

    We all like to talk about our successes in hunting and shooting, but nobody likes to talk about their failures in firearm safety. But perhaps we can spare someone of injury or worse by telling a story of an unsafe firearm experience we have had. Several years ago, my youngest son and I were...
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    Are the days of the gun cabinet over?

    When I was a kid, people with guns stored them in a gun cabinet or a gun rack. I don't know anyone who had a safe in those days. As a woodworker, I would love to build a nice gun cabinet and place it in the living room where I could view the guns on a regular basis.The problems with this are, of...
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    Sent my wish list to Ruger

    I sent a message to the CEO of Ruger informing him of my desire to own a Stainless full sized Blackhawk in .45 Colt and or a single action in .454 Casull. I'm in no hurry, as long as I have them in my hands by July 4th.
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    Locktite on firearm screws

    I was inspecting my Ruger Blackhawk today and noticed the front grip frame screw was missing. It has had around 1600 rounds fired through it and I have no idea when it fell out. I checked other screws but none were loose. Is there a problem using locktite on the screws or is there a better...
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    Measuring powder with cases

    I use the Lee dippers to measure powder, but sometimes they won't work on certain charges. I have read of people making dippers out of pistol cases and decided to try it. I was loading some cartridges that called for 8.5 grains of Universal and found that a 9mm case would dispense 8.3 grains...
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    1884 Springfield Trapdoor

    A friend has an 1884 Springfield Trapdoor. The bluing is gone, the stock is beat up, the front and back sights need replaced and the rifling looks a little pitted. It seems mechanically sound and 2 different people who are familiar with such guns said it was probably worth around $400.00. I...
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    .22-250 reload question

    Have a friend who experienced burn marks around the necks of his .22-250 reloads. Cases were trimmed to 1.902. The maximum trim length is 1.912. He used w296 and h380 powder. Bullets ranged from 50-60 grains. Powder charged ranged from 37-39 grains. What caused the burn marks around the case necks?
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    .45 Colt reloading issue

    I loaded 50 rounds of .45 Colt today and I noticed a slight bulge on the outside of one side of the case on several rounds, where the base of the bullet is. It is almost as if the bullet is at a very slight angle in the case. This is the 14 time these cases have been loaded. Any thoughts and...
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    home brew brass cleaner

    Just tried a brass cleaner consisting of about a gallon of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of citric acid. I let it soak for about 10 minutes, stirred it for a couple of minutes and the brass came out pretty clean. A few pieces had a slight pink tinge on them but overall good results.
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    Brass question

    The residue on my .45 Colt reloads is evenly distributed on the brass after firing and easy to remove. I was examining some .45 Colt range brass I picked up today and the Hornady was pretty clean while the Winchester had heavy residue isolated on one spot and was somewhat difficult to remove.. I...
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    Thumbs up for Rimrock Bullets

    I placed an order from Rimrock Bullets last week and got the order in 4 days. The bullets shot well and prices were reasonable. I have also had good experiences with Missouri and Oregon Trail Bullets.
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    Handgun shooting stances

    I have long, skinny arms and was wondering if there is a stance that is better suited for this? I guess you could call me a 6 foot tall Barney Fife.
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    Percentage of gun owners that reload

    There are a lot of gun owners in my neck of the woods, but it seems that very few reload. I wonder what percentage of gun owners reload. I have talked with several people about the benefits, but few seem interested. I'm not sure what their hesitation is.
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    Picking up range brass.

    I have a couple of places where I pick up brass left behind by shooters. Most of the brass I pick up is not calibers that I reload, so I thought about selling it to the local gun shop, but he was only going to pay $1.00 a pound, when I can get $1.50 at a recycler. Seems wrong to send good brass...
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    That One rifle you wished you had back.

    For me it was a Winchester Model 9422m .22 magnum. I bought it when I was young, dumb and broke, and had to sell it in order to pay a car repair bill. It was deadly accurate and felt right at home in my hands. I have never forgotten that gun. Excuse me while I grab a Kleenex.
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    .45 Colt vs. .44 magnum. Who is King?

    I have read many times that there are .45 Colt loads that are ballistically superior to the .44 magnum. I have also seen this disputed as many times. If it is true, can anyone state a specific load and the specific ballistics of the load? I realize it would only be safe in a Ruger Blackhawk...
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    While shooting, don't forget to have fun

    When I go shooting, I always have a goal as to how accurate I want to be. Honestly, I seldom reach those goals, and I sometimes get frustrated until I remember that accuracy is always a work in progress. The day I can put every bullet through the same hole, every time, the challenge will be gone...
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    Most versatile revolver

    From shooting cans on a Sunday afternoon to protection against 2 legged bad guys to protection against 4 legged meat eaters, I would think a Ruger Alaskan .454 Casull would be one of the most versatile revolvers. You could load it with light .45 Colt loads all the way to full house .454 Casull...