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  1. H

    Gangs, guns And Political Games....

    One damn good article... Gangs, Guns, and Political Games Fight politicians who would take guns from law-abiding citizens, giving gangs an undue advantage. November 21, 2007 What's the difference between an Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Murder? Answer: About an inch and a half. That would...
  2. H

    Range incident!!!

    This was on another forum and I thought I would post it here for a learning experience! Rule one put the gun down and another rule #1 don't point it at something you don't want to shoot!!!! I had been planning this day for over a week on taking my wife over to the gun range so she get some...
  3. H

    Scenario #4

    I use this one also, for the ones that like to play "Cop" CCW.... Scenario # 4 A man was shopping at an indoor enclosed shopping mall. While looking at merchandise in one of the stores, he heard several gun shots and a lot of screaming and panic coming from the main corridor directly outside...
  4. H

    Scenario #3

    Scenario # 3 A man was out shopping with his 5 year-old daughter. While in the parking lot outside a local strip mall, 2 armed robbers rushed out of a liquor store with their guns in clear view. The man directed his daughter to get down low and stay behind a near-by parked car. The man took...
  5. H

    Scenario #2

    Scenario # 2 A man visited a bank to conduct some financial business. While standing in line waiting for a teller, armed bank robbers came into the bank and demanded everyone lay on the ground and not move. The man and other patrons complied and laid on the ground. The bank robber then went...
  6. H

    Scenario #1

    I use these incidents to get people thinking about them. I don't bash the incidents at all, but rather have people think about getting into things just to be a hero or what ever. Sometimes not getting involved is the best thing to do. I see threads talking about scenarios so I thought I would...
  7. H

    New to this forum

    Hello All, I am new to this forum and own my own CCW business in Phoenix, Arizona. The business is called Black Wolf DEFENSE (formerly known as Hollow-Point Defense). We do mainly AZ CCWs but also do Utah classes as well as Armed Gaurd classes. I also assist other people on several other...